Apr 16, 2009 17:00

The Boy... My boy John... He's been in KIP for SK this year and if you are unfamiliar the short story is small class 3 teachers... why? Well John has some.... Issues? Quirks? He does not fit the cookie cutter..... John is either really really good at some things or he's really really not good at other things there seems to be no middle ground... lol even the things where he falls into the average he's on one end of the average or the other not one thing about John is right in the middle. John reads (decodes words) at a grade two level his recognition of colours shapes is also higher than the average. However he talks like Yoda and when it comes to understanding more complex directions or open ended questions he is completely at a loss. Some kids get him and some don't.. my friends kids seem to be fine with him and consider him a friend, but according to the teachers he has a hard time making friends at school. I had a very lenghty conversation with a person from the Psych services dept. of the TDSB. Also there have been speech pathologists and a behavioural specialist and there will be an appoinment with a Developmental pediatrician at the end of May. People have brought up Autisim spectrum and ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities but in the end all we seem to have now is scientific backing of what I have been saying since this all started, John talks like Yoda and if you tell him something he might not get it. He learns visually not orally. He knows the words but doesn't get the sentence, and thusly has trouble producing the sentence, he also very much mimicks the people he is with. In my home he has determind himself to be an equal as there are no other children (which is great when it comes to bad behaviour and punishment). At the sitters he tends to more like his sitters three year old grandson, but no one in that house seems to notice any oddness other than the speech thing. At his Dads he is fairly hyper but maintains his status as a child.. I think because there is Daddy and Stepmom and little sister Riley... what I have observed of their interaction seems pretty typical... she follows him around and wants to do everything he does and he accomidates to a point but eventually gets annoyed and wants her to leave him and his stuff alone. JOhn seems to do well with a great deal of structure ei: John get ready to go home.... wanders around aimlessly do nothing really..... JOhn here is your timer you have x amount of time to get your coat shoes hat etc etc... john does what is asked of him and actually expresses concern about getting everythihg ready in the time alloted. He is gifted musically (I could wax poetic for days about his beats and song and how he manipulatesd lyrics to songs he has been taught)and just the other day in DOver at the beach found two rocks and if you put them together they make a goldfish....

Why I am writing now after al this time I come to you dear readers because I have come to the point where I feel it is my time to say what if it is THIS what if it is not THAT. Choices about his future are being detirmened as we speak and I don't feel that anyone really has a clue for all their education and expertise!

Does anyone know anything about a verbal dyslexia like it's not the letters he sees getting scrambled but perhaps the words he hears getting scrambled? If there is something out there like that I think it would explain a lot... He mimicks those around him because he is not entirly understanding the way he is supposed to do things, in a house of adults he tries to behave like one, when with a three year old kid he acts like him cause he recognises that the three year old is more his peer than the adults in that house. The frustration of not being able to communicate more complex thougths and needs etc etc leading to tantrums or uh... for lack of better phrasing crazy behaviour.

What do I say to the MD's and Teachers and specialist to make them evaluate what I am thinking to explore things from these thought rather then searching through some text on Autisim to find all the things he has in common with those kids? I don't really care what the issue is jsut that when we figure it out we have actually figured what it really is not what they think the best match is. How does a Highschool drop out talk to these poeple and be taken seriously!!

If anyone happens to stumble upon this post in my long neglectied LJ.... give a girl some advise... oh and for the sake of mutal happiness should you talk to JOhn's Dad don't mention I posted here he gets touchy about publication of certain things and then I have to poke him in the eye for being a bitch!
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