Week 10 Entry Art Gallery Visit!!

Sep 19, 2006 21:31

So we went to the Art Gallery... I'm not the most intelligent or creative critic of art but today was fun. I like just viewing them to see if they are visually aesthetic. I never studied Art at school and didn't have a natural interest in it so I don't feel confident picking it apart like I know what I'm talking about although I'm sure much of art interpretation is upto the individual perception and interpretation.

My two choices for the essay are Lin Onus' "Fruit Bats" and Robert Klippel's many works.

"Fruit Bats" is a sculpture/painting. It is intertextual. It shows the clash between Aboriginal culture/spirituality and "white" civilisation/consumerism. The sculpture is a Hills Hoist clothesline with 100 bats. The bats are painted with an Aboriginal style and so is the base of the Hills Hoist. The pattern on the base looks like the droppings of the bats. It is very pretty to look at.

Robert Klippel is an artist who collected scraps of metal and apparently "useless" objects and created massive artworks out of them. When he got older he changed his style as he found it increasingly harder to manipulate the huge pieces of metals. He started making miniature models. There is also a photo of one of his massive metal artworks in the art gallery. I found it interesting how the process of ageing can clearly be seen by the minimisation of size of his artworks.

Both artists in their own way took something that was "useless" or "ugly" (bat droppings and metal scraps) and turned them into something of beauty as Judith Wright constantly does with the Australian landscape!

That's all....

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