When the shakes begin...

Mar 03, 2005 19:39

Well today has been awful. fucking awful.
I woke up with a hangover, still have a hangover...Although last night was soooo luverly, me and lauren went out, we went to the litten tree to start we had a couple of drinks and talked for about an hour and a half, it was so nice..then we went on to manhattens,drank a fair amount, lauren was nowhere near as drunk as me, by the time i was actually drunk she wasnt even tipsy...My excuse: i hadnt eaten since the day before.
We got bored, so we went upstairs where our little crew were the only people dancing, glowing owen is like michael jackson on speed, amazing! I jus generally threw myself around, i was drunk and loving it.
ummm Yah so we had a really good time, came home, slept and then went to college...college wasnt as good.
I arrived at about 11 and felt rather sick, i tried not to whine too much...
I decided at about lunch i was in a very creative mood and would like very much to draw, so i started a portrait of lauren, realised it sucked and freeked out. The tutor came over and pursuaded me to join in a life class because she liked my sketches from last time...So i got down there all hyped up and ready, walked in and noticed that these people were from the degree course. how to utterly put me to shame. Then i realised that i had stood on somebodies work, somebody didnt seem to notice it, so i started charcoaling away...The tutor came round and was commenting on Somebodies work and noticed that a Person had stood on it...The rest of the class came over exclaiming things along the lines of "oh god, and you have an exhibition next week!"
So i pretended i didnt realise what was going on and got really into my drawing...so into it that i didnt really look at the guy i was drawing, oddly enough it didnt turn out well at all. Then i decided i would do another, of his leg and foot because my tutor loves the way i draw feet (shes a little odd) And by this time the model needed to stretch and have a break, when he sat back down he wasnt sat the fucking same, so that turned out utterly terribly horribly wrong and looked like an alligator had attacked him...These girls then started sneering at me and my work, i had a sneak around at the people around me's work and realised i was waaaay outta my depth...then the tutor who was in charge of the class suggested we looked at each others work for inspiration and ideas, i realised that they were all laughing at my work...i did 5 more minutes on it and couldnt stand anymore, i grabbed my work and the easel hit the sniffling guy behind me (he was irritating too) And i marched out...Back in the studio i proceeded to smash up everything, have a hissy fit that ended in tears...my friends all kept trying to get me to feel better but i felt so useless, twas nasty. Then Jon came over (hes the best artist in the studio, including the tutors) And he was trying to convince me that i should be less destructive and be more creative...its easy for him, hes had more experience, hes older and naturally an artist...I threw my trevor pencil and it hit a HIM fan, so that was perty good...
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