Here is our entry for this week's
Cloudscape Comic Battle. The theme is Mental Vacation Written by Dave
wilypueo and drawn by me. If you draw a comic you should check them out.
Dave's script: Mental Vacation
Title: Brain Today, Gone Tomorrow
Panel 1 Front view of Dave dozing on left side of couch [i.e. right side of panel] with side of head resting on his left fist, with left elbow resting on arm rest.
Panel 2 Same view as panel 1 with brain coming part way out of Dave's right ear.
Panel 3 Same view as panel 2 but with brain all the way free from Dave's head with a "POP" and man with a discombobulated appearance, e.g., like when a cartoon character gets hit over the head.
Panel 4 Same view as panel 3 but with brain floating in the air, wearing a fedora, and exiting toward left side of panel. Dave sitting on sofa, drooling, with vacant stare.
Brain: So long Meat!
Panel 5 Same view as panel 4 but with Terrence sitting on right side of sofa [i.e. left side of panel] with soda can in hand, and Byron sitting on middle of couch looking straight ahead with game controller in both hands appearing to be gaming intensely, and Dave right side of panel with one finger sticking into his right ear and with game controller in mouth with drool dripping from it and with a continued vacant stare.
Terrence: Notice anything difference about Dave?
Byron: Nope.