I love New York. By no means is it perfect but it’s by far my favorite US city. I love that it’s odd and quirky while also sophisticated and common. So I wanted to share some photos (and stories) about the unusual, yet common, things you find in NY. Photos were taken when my mom and Nicole came to visit.
We went to an area I refer to as Korea town, though I don’t know the actual name of the area. I saw a sign there once that said Korea town and ever since I have dubbed it with the name. I took this image there. If you look inside, there’s a barber cutting hair. And to think some people actually waste money on rent?!
One night we walked to dinner in the West Village. We heard screaming and looked across the street. There were about 6 men dressed in animal outfits.. think college mascots. It was hilarious. But what was really funny is that they were randomly walking up to strangers and then screaming. A few of the strangers screamed in fear and some even tried to run off. When they ran the mascots ran after them and people were totally freaking out. It was the funniest thing to watch. The red arrows are pointing at the mascots, which you can see if you look really hard.
That same evening when walking to the East Village (where I live) we heard a musical group singing some made up Christmas Carol. It actually sounded really good and they were so lively I was dancing at the bus stop. Eventually we went to take a closer look and found these people. Notice how the second from the left is wearing a bra over her coat. The guy in white has on a crown made of aluminum foil. Lets just say they were very creative and a ton of fun to watch. I hope I run into them again.
Did I mention they were REALLY good. And they had this part where the music would get really fast and they would do this limbo line thing. I was totally dancing with them as was my mom and Fred. Nicole was very embarrassed.
Here is the best photo of all. We passed the Sex Museum and saw this very large poster in the window. Notice how my mom is super excited but Nicole seems totally freaked. She's a bit of a prude.
Not sure what they are pointing at?? Look again. The chair all woman covet. Ha!!