Miscellaneous Debris: Obama conspiracy theories

Oct 25, 2013 19:53

Maybe I should have made this blog about Obama conspiracy theories. It would have left me with material for the last few years.

So I am starting with the big one from this week, and giving you my three favorite Obama conspiracies from October 2013

1. The Fainting Lady

In case you missed, Karmel Allison, a biologist from San Diego fainted mid-way through a speech Obama was giving in regards to the Affordable Care Act.

Why did she faint?

Because she is a pregnant diabetic.

No because Obama set it up,

Well, of course, he did.

A video went viral.  Didn't you see the lady standing beside Allison tell her something beforehand (like 'hey, time to faint').

A conspiracist says "It's a diversion to take up headlines from the government's website problems."

A more reasonable person probably doesn't come to that conclusion.  What does Obama gain by palnning this?  except he's evil and he plans this thing out.

It wasn't even a headline until the 'Truthers' came out, but now that Sarah Palin says she believes the Fainting Lady conspiracy- What was once a major leap in logic has become a single step because President Obama has lied so often and so blatantly, she wrote on Facebook- it apparently is a big story.

2. The Marine's new caps

In case you don't have Facebook, outrage has happened because as Fox News says Obama wants Marines to wear Girly hats

It's a directive to standardize uniforms to go to a more unisex look to recognizethe females in the military.

The outrage is that they look 'gay'.  Or worse, French.

Sounds like Obama as usual, and as one facebook poster put it so eloquently "you know Obama had something to do with it because he sticks his nose in everything.

Yes, Obama wants a bunch of gay Frenchmen in the marines.

The Daily Beast asked the Marines

"The president has nothing to do with the head cover selected for wear by military services or any other aspect of the uniform selection process.
Changes to the Marine uniform policy are proposed by the Marine Corps Uniform Board, a group of senior noncommissioned officers who meet annually to survey the force and draw up recommendations. Those recommendations are passed on to Marine Corps Commandant James Amos, who is the final decision maker on uniform.
Oh, and the Marines have no plans on adopting the changes, but why let the truth spoil a good story.

3.  Obama is Osama

You likely heard of the "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" rally earlier this month.  The rally that the mainstream media wouldn't cover, and by not cover, it meant that you could turn on the radio or tv and hear Fox news and Glenn Beck talk about it constantly.

As she got her screen time, organizer Zeeda Andrews went above and beyond to show how crazy she was.

While the original intent of the rally was (according to one spokesman) for truckers to surround and arrest Congress

It was later clarified that they meant by gavels, not by lassos.

Still, we got to know more about Andrews.

And here we go : The Boston bombings were fake, plane vapor trails are government-sponsored chemiclas released into the air, the CIA killed Buzzfeed journalist Michael Hastings, Obama is a Muslim (of course) and Homeland Security is stockpiling ammunition to kill us all.

Oh, and Obama isn't just a Muslim.  He's Osama bin Laden.


The fact that these soldiers were set up to die in a no return operation is obvious they had knowledge that Obama didn't want leaked. This is the Seals that killed Osama Bin Laden. I don't believe this story. He is alive call me crazy but, Osama Bin Laden is our President Obama do your research. The CIA has been preparing for this since he was a boy. They have same height, bone structure, hands and ears both are left handed the Osama face was created by Hollywood. The fox is in the hen house.

Well, we never saw Obama and Osama at the same time, so there is that.

wheres obama, pat robertson & other mixed nuts

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