It's been an interesting season, and I am sure you all have seen "NFL Referee Lockout" memes.
Of course my favorite moment was Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
You remember Gov. Walker, the Union buster. The man who told supporters he'd 'divide and conquer'. The guy who thinks teachers have it too good.
Surely, Gov. Walker appreciates that you bring in the people who will take your pay, and if they want a little bit more money or better benefits, well, f#ck them, you'll bring in someone who will do it for that scale.
Of course, after a famous disputed call that cost the Packers a victory, Scott Walker said "We should not bend to the whims of these arrogant employees."
Just kidding.
He begged like a little girl for the NFL
to settle the labor dispute.
Now, on with the countdown.
Iowa Caucuses (2-4)- The Caucuses beg the question 'When do you call it a season?' in a pay-per-transaction league. I am not quite there yet, but it's getting there. In real life, you can bench your top player if he doesn't perform (The Yankees have been benching A-Rod in certain situations). I wish i could bench Chris Johnson to teach him a lesson. Still, that's one part where Fantasy Football hasn't achieved yet.
Saluki Dawgs (5-1)- Of course, fantasy football is luck, too. The Dawgs have won games by margins of 2,2,25, 16, and 2. That's right three games were won by 2 points.
The Dawgs success is attributable in large part to Eli Manning, which is part of my fantasy rules. Rule #458 says "Draft and start Eli". No one likes Eli. People will jump quickly on Matt Ryan (a good choice this year), Tony Romo, Matt Schaub, Jay Cutler, Ben Rothelisberger, even Carson Palmer in Oakland, but Eli will be hanging around undrafted well into Round 5.
It's probably not justified (Well, yeah, it probably is, i don't really like Eli either), but he's a good solid qb who plays every game and puts up good number.
So, how is everyone else's season going?