I was bummed about the world not ending on August 22. I was thinking about this the other day, as I got behind a truck of someone who thought it was cool to put in his back window, in big bold white letters- "GOT R DONE"
Fortunately, I take some solace in the fact that the world will end on
September 12.
We will be spared from
Elton John's hip-hop record. We will spared from
The Wedding Crashers: The TV series.
We will be spared from
Survivor: Race War, which is an idea JM and I had about seven years ago. We didn't think anyone but Howard Stern would buy it. Damn, damn, damn. Have a team of Aryan Nations, a team of Black Panthers, add a Latino gang, throw in some Zionists and radical Muslims, and it's a ratings bonanza. Oh, it's the most patently offensive thing ever, which of course, is why we didn't pitch it to the network, and of course it's why we're currently not millionaires.
We will be spared from the
Pussycat Dolls reality show , as we were spared
the Pussycat Dolls action figures. Let's see how many you can name? There's the one with talent.... there's the redhead... and umm......
How do I know?
When Pat Robertson
apologizes to Hugo Chavez (although, he still compares him to Hitler.)
When a real liberal (as opposed to Alan Colmes) is on Fox News, and leaves
Ann Coulter crying for Sean Hannity. On Fox News!
The end is near! You have no chance to survive make your time!
Nothing is normal. Everything is out of whack. Nothing is as it was before.
almost nothing.