Aug 29, 2010 18:52


Disappearing acts, thy name is Em. I floundered around like a fish, watching the time since my last post stretch to a frightening length, and feeling weirder and weirder about posting/commenting/anything on LJ because I didn't know how to explain me just being lazy and under a rock. What I did under that rock? Mostly slept.

I...I don't fucking know. All I remember about the night I drew this was that I was leaving for California in two days, had stayed up all night dancing to Paparazzi, and wanted to draw Souji in Lady Gaga drag at 5 AM. And so I did. And none of it was a bad decision. None of it. I don't know why, but I always feel Souji lends himself better to drag than Yosuke does. Maybe I just like the Obviously In Drag look. I will always maintain that Kanji totally should've won the pageant.

Oh, and then I laughed, because two months later Lady G did this cover. ROCK THE GRAY, GIRL. I want that nail polish.

Inspired by ladysisyphus 's AMAZING story about art and how it hurts and how it's amazing and all the stuff in between. A must read for fans of art and getting through hard times (and gay, but honestly, even if you break out in hives at the sight of gay I'd reccomend this. Also, what are you doing here?). You don't even have to be an artist to identify with Navid. I honestly can't recommend it enough.

This drawing was not done FOR the story, I feel I must stress. Instead, W2 got 25 artists (okay, maybe closer to 20) to do a unique piece based on a photograph of a studio she provided. The results are ASTOUNDING. And how cool is that concept?? Seriously. The story is called, Navid Arash Taraghijah: Still Life With Chair (I-XXV). READ IT.

My first drawing of an Actually There Human Being done in a LONG time. Too long. I need to have people take off their clothes for me more often...not not use a computer to do the drawing. ANYWAY, this is my girlfriend, who was kind enough to sit for me while I was staying at her place for a ridiculously long time. Contrary to popular understanding, she does not have a lobster claw.

BECAUSE FUCK IF SHE DIDN'T LOOK LIKE A SCHIELE PAINTING IN THE BAD ROMANCE VIDEO. Also, I like to spam the same image three times. Also, haters to the left. i love you gaga

I...ahem, obtained Photoshop CS5, the first actual Photoshop version I've ever been able to make work on my crappy computer (only now I can't run it without my machine overheating, so perhaps I spoke to soon). Needless to say, I don't have the FAINTEST idea what I'm doing, but the tools do mimic painting nicely, for all they aren't intuitive at all. I had fun drawing a landscape for once! And the floodplain at that! Let's all imagine Souji's macking on Yosuke out of frame.



Anyway, how have you all been? I promise I'm going to stop being a bad friend this instant! I'm also thinking of starting up Morning Warmups again. Finishing something every day would do wonders for me right now, methinks.

persona 4, art, souji seta, lady gaga, recs, s2b2, fanart, souji/yosuke, yosuke hanamura, scott pilgrim

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