Another un-fanworks related post!

May 04, 2010 22:58

I'm still a dork who continues posting over-personal things on her 'fanworks' comm. I seriously will get back to doing what this comm intends to do soon! For now, a mix! And it's fairly personal, too, so enter at your own risk! I swear I'm going to post drawings again soon you guys. ._.

Okay, the general disclaimer for this mix is as follows

a) it's really not very good if you're name doesn't rhyme with Schemma Schmaze.
b) it doesn't make much sense if your name doesn't rhyme with Schemma Schmaze
c) I do not know how to make a proper mix

I'm doing this because it was advised to me by ladysisyphus and I figured it would be cathartic! Catharsis is also why I'm posting it here as opposed to under a heavy, heavy friend lock! None of you are obligated to download or listen, but if you do, thank you for sharing in this silly, not-very-good-at-all thing I created to make myself emote!

And might I just say, even if you have absolutely no interest in taking a little musical journey through some of my experiences, I highly recommend the last song! It's hipster-y and maybe a little over the top, but it makes me feel like I want to keep going! And who doesn't need that kind of reassurance every once in a while, am I right?

(shut up you guys, I LIKED THIS PICTURE)

die she must

April Come She Will - Simon & Garfunkel (with help from the girls of #232)
A heavily edited version of one of my favorite songs. Serves as sort of an intro for...everything (albeit with the wrong months). Those chatterboxes in the beginning are, in fact, my roommates Emma and Justine along with a few of their friends. When I was in the middle of my room and they were being particularly loud, I would sometimes switch on the 'memo' button on my phone and see if it could pick up the noise as much as my ears could. Who knew those recordings would come in handy?

Because - The Beatles

This is my favorite version of this song. Nothing but chirping birds and three part harmonies! There was a huge tree outside my dorm room window that was a magnet for birds. This song takes me back to my mornings back at MICA almost instantly.

Come On Home - Franz Ferdinand
Pretty self-explanatory. I didn't know how I felt on this subject for a loooong time. The very last line of this song always gets me.

Mama You Been On My Mind - George Harrison
Again, this is my favorite version of this song (as much as I love Bob Dylan). Something about it reminds me of a really, really sunny room. That and I just love the way George Harrison sounds on demo tracks. This song also relates to my window, which really isn't all that weird considering I would spend quite a lot of time looking out it. It also relates to "Mama", but not the mama you're thinking of. No, not that one either. <3

Kids - MGMT
A...a rather abrupt departure after the last song (the reason this isn't a good mix is because I paid absolutely NO attention to sound, I just threw together songs that fit my chronological narrative). A song dedicated to my sorry attempt to sink into the MICA social scene without losing my mind, and failing. With background kid noises by my roommates! (okay, no, that's a lie, but those children noises are actually the sounds of adults sped up. Which endlessly amuses the conceptual side of my brain).

Quequ'un M'a Dit - Carla Bruni
A song for my girl, and...well, all the problems we were having because of how I refused to acknowledge I had a problem. So what you get is a lovely song that sounds much happier than it is. Courtesy of the First Lady of France.

A Single Explosion - Matthew Good

Okay, funnily enough, I was planning to not include any songs from the LFUN FSTs. Because while I love those mixes dearly, I associate all the music on them so strongly with other things, it was too difficult for me to insert myself into them. ...Except for this one. And for a very cheap reason: I played it on constant loop for a good MONTH. And that is my story. |8

Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
Just a song for the weeks leading up to the day I finally went home. I like how much of this song is just radio silence. Honestly, a lot of this mix is radio silence. It's fitting, I think.

Wet Sand - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Part 1 of 3 in the Day I Left MICA saga. In my dorm room that evening. Ending with a mighty crescendo.

Twice - Little Dragon
Part 2 of 3. In the hospital.

Who By Fire - Leonard Cohen

Part 3 of 3. Packing and the car ride home with my mother and brother. Nothing like a little Leo to tie things up!

Life In Rain - Remy Zero
A song that sums up a day where nothing really happened but remains very important to me, shortly after I arrived home. Sometimes it's just nice to be held and have people say they love you. I'm not quite sure whose point of view this song is from, or if I'm even in a position to assign that, but it's a pretty song regardless.

Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths
A song for the month or so between the day Life In Rain describes and a week ago! Pretty self-explainable. I am not known for my subtly.

Down River - The Temper Trap
This is the reason I made this whole mix. I love how this song is neither happy nor sad -- it's main interest is in making you keep going. I like to think it creates an optimistic end, despite how the climax totally chokes me up. (Also, shut up, I make no bones about being a hipster).

So that's it! Like I say, I'll get back to posting actual stuff soon. But...well, it's my comm, so whatever, right? I've posted less related things before and you guys have still stuck around. <3 Huge thanks to my girlfriend, who I realize is the person I got most of the music from. orz

AND OH OKAY, since you stuck with me, have a preview of That Drawing That Will Get Finished Eventually

I am actually much further than this, BUT I AM TOO LAZY TO MAKE A NEW SCREENCAP SO PBBBT. |::::

persona 4, souji seta, mix, what is this, fanart, souji/yosuke, music, yosuke hanamura

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