3rd Step

Apr 07, 2011 00:00

 Hello? Ash? Oh, and there are other Pokémon trainers here, right? I got my Snivy back! Isn't that great? I had all four of them for a while, but when that happened, it was Servine, not Snivy...but now I have Snivy. That's pretty weird, isn't it? Oh. But I didn't want to talk about that.

It's been a while since I've had, but I think we should have a Pokémon battle! That's what you do at a time like this, you know? I bet you're really strong, but it would be fun. I've been coming up with some ideas...I think Snivy really wants it, too! How does that sound?

[And for those of you ignoring the phone today, Bianca will be at the park! Now that there's no wild Pokémon, she can be seen with her Pokémon out at all times. Today, she's just looking to have some fun! The Lucy Smith thing confused her, but she liked the swingset...so Bianca can be found there, swinging with Snivy in her lap. Feel free to interrupt or join her!]

with snivy, stay out of tall grass

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