For the Windows in Paradise...

Nov 02, 2006 20:11

Well, I'm supposed to be cleaning my apartment and the fact that I'm actually writing on here means I've run out of other ways to procrastinate, haha. I don't know why but I just have no motivation to write on lj anymore, occasionally I'll drop in and read a few and not that everyone's lives are boring, but it just isn't very exciting.

However, I thought, in my current state of procrastination, that I would give it one more try. A lot has been happening lately really, mostly school related. I just got feedback on a script I wrote, which is apparently excellent, so thats cool. I'm going into rewrites now, perhaps at Christmas if I'm done I'll pass it around a bit, it might interest some of you. I'm actually going to apply for telefilm funding in January to see if I can't get it made over next summer. We'll see though. Oh, and if anyone has a short story or a play or anything they have written and want adapted to a screenplay let me know. I have to do that for my next assignment and I'd really rather do something that I didn't have to worry about the rights over.

My documentary is going pretty well. Our last day of shooting is tomorrow...9-5 no break, should be tiring, but I'm going to be glad to have it wrapped. Especially since last night I agreed to screen it at a festival on the 16th...which means I'm supposed to submit it by the 7th...which means I have 4 days to do a rough cut, fine cut and final cut. Thats not going to happen, well it might, but not likely so I'll have to hand it in late. If anyone wants to come to Queen's for a film festival on the 16th its going to be a lot of fun. I have three films in it actaully, well two I produced and cut, one of which I directed and three I did cinematography for. There's an after party....haha.

Not a lot is new outside of school. My parents are likely moving out of Lindsay soon. My apartment is not clean...Kristi is coming tomorrow so I have to finish cleaning...I'm so lazy. Imogen next week! I get to go to the city the weekend after probably for a board meeting. Oh, I bought a new dvd/vcr recorder, dv in/out so it can be connected to my mac. I'm hoping to have my camera by winter sometime, still looking into different models. The film dept. is getting five HD cams for next semester, 2 canon, 2 sony and 1 panasonic so I'll see which I like best before I go and buy one.

Anyway, I really should clean now. Jill, next Saturday at 1:00pm, meeting?

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