Feb 27, 2009 23:10
Quite an interesting Friday afternoon. I've been having a sense of foreboding for a week or so and boy, did I find out why! The fellow I had championed for the last five years, getting him raises and then a full time job with benefits has been backbiting me (and others) for quite sometime. I was in a meeting with two of the employees when it started to come out. It seems that when I'm not there he says terrible things about me and any of the staff who aren't there at the time. He has also been talking about me in this way to some of the staff in other offices, calling me lazy and incompetent. One of the people who share this information with me said she wondered if he hated me. Apparently when I was out for surgery, he said that I should stop lazying around and "get off her fat ass and get to work." One of the things I told him when I hired him was that I wouldn't tolerate gossip---so he doesn't do it when I'm there. Everyone who doesn't work in the office thinks he's the nicest guy. It's weird--a Dr Jekyl ad Mr. Hyde kind of thing. And the office is very public, lots of people could be overhearing his rants.
Enough of this stuff. I'm going to try to have a nice weekend and not think about this too much. I have a lot of work to do Monday to start damage control. Arg! Need to be well rested Arg!
I'll try to write about something pleasant soon.