Obedience-Based Decisions Versus Skill and Ability by Os Hillman

Oct 13, 2008 11:08

To consult with God in all things is the ultimate sign of obedience -
free will is still there, but in exercising free will to choose to honor God (who created us) is the ultimate worship.

Seeking God’s heart in any matter will lead, ultimately, to properly honoring God- starting with the act itself…
1 Chronicles 14:15
As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move out to battle.
The Philistines were attacking. David wanted to know how to respond. His first inquiry of God revealed that he was to attack the Philistines straightaway and God would give him victory. David followed God’s instruction and gained victory. Shortly after, the Philistines mounted another attack. “So David inquired of God again, and God answered him, ‘Do not go straight up, but circle around them and attack them in front of the balsam trees’ ” (1 Chron. 14:14).

David was a well-trained warrior, a strategist. Yet, we find that David’s dependence on God to direct his efforts was very great. In fact, after he won the first battle, he went right back to inquire again.

This is the most important lesson we can learn from this story. God told David to attack, but only after he heard the marching in the balsam trees.

How many times have you or I operated in the marketplace based only on our skill and ability, without seeking to know the details of God’s will in the matter? David could have simply assumed that since he had won the last battle, surely God would give him victory the same way. No. David had learned that communicating with the living God is the only sure way of victory. His skill was not enough. He had to have God’s blessing.

How many times have we worked in our business life the same way each time only because it was the way we did it last time? What if God has a better way? What if God has a different plan than ours? “So David inquired of God…” These are the important words that we are to learn from. We must be in such relationship with God that we are constantly inquiring of His mind on every matter. When we do this, we can expect the same results that David achieved-success in our endeavor and recognition by God.

“So David’s fame spread throughout every land, and the Lord made all the nations fear him” (1 Chron. 14:17). This is the reward of obedience to God. We don’t have to build a name for ourselves. God will see to it that we are honored for our obedience. He wants to make known those servants who are willing to obey Him at all costs.

Dear God,
How may I serve you today?
Please tell me and show me- send your instructions through the Holy Spirit, other people- whatever technique, but I humbly ask you send it.
I truly wish to hear your guidance, and am open to it- i understand some sacrifices might be necssary- regardless.

-=( Cross-posted to/from InZenity )=-

bible, inspirational, law of attraction, spirituality, quote, relationship, faith, support

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