Yule Blessings

Dec 21, 2019 21:59

It may be that the light is returning. It is hard to know for all the naysayers who are convinced that those who are determined to keep the shadows eternally in place hold all the power and always will. The dark of the longest night will lift as long as we believe and work for the sunrise.

My annual blessing to you all, with the help of
cflute in giving them their final polish:

- as the sun increases, so may your joys increase.
- as the nights become shorter, so may your sorrows shrink.
- as those you love surround you, feel my love there as well.
- may you be blessed by your Gods, be they within or without.
- may all your dearest dreams come to you in time.

May the light that returns fill your hearts and souls, and may the next year be better than the last.

Joyous Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Dongzhi, Inspirational Kwanzaa, and a bright and miraculous Hannukah to you all.

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