Yule Blessing 2018

Dec 21, 2018 09:22

This is a dark time for many, and the leak of the figurative into the literal is far wider this year than in recent memory. Media and memes remind us daily that compassion is not automatic, that humanity seems to have limits, and that those in charge have their tribe and all others can just sit in the storms of the world and die.

This is the lesson of the Winter Solstice. Any changing world must spend time revealing its dark side before it can begin to move back into the light. Our job, as loving siblings to all people, is to try to make sure that the darkness is a bit less deep each time around the cycle. Even though we seem to have taken a step back, it is vital to remember that there have been steps forward in the past and that, as dark as it seems, it is still lighter than it was even half a century ago. As the light shines brighter, shadows stand out in stark contrast - this does not necessarily indicate the power of the shadow, it shows the strength of the light to define those edges. We eliminate the shadows not just by making the light brighter but by adding to it - by reflecting it or becoming smaller sources of that light. We have that power. It only remains for us to use it.

So hug your loved ones, either physically or via whatever contact you have. Know that you are loved even in the darkest time, and that the glow over there is the sunrise that will get stronger from this day forth. With your help, we will shine it into every dark corner we can reach throughout the coming year.

I wish you all joy in whatever way you celebrate the Returning of the Light. My annual blessing to you all, with the help of
cflute in giving them their final polish:

- as the sun increases, so may your joys increase.
- as the nights become shorter, so may your sorrows shrink.
- as those you love surround you, feel my love there as well.
- may you be blessed by your Gods, be they within or without.
- may all your dearest dreams come to you in time.

May the light that returns fill your hearts and souls, and may the next year be better than the last.

Joyous Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Dongzhi, Inspirational Kwanzaa, and hopes that Hannukah renewed your spirit even though the oil of hope may have seemed low.

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