How do you write like this. This starts out just fun, Hyakurin's narration is so infectious (I love her thinking of herself as "craven" when she rejoices over Manji's absence jfsdjf HYAKURIN YOU'RE ENTITLED TO A BIT OF CRAVENNESS EVERY NOW AND AGAIN), and I could feel the slow burn of the summer heat as I read it. (Not surprised you wrote this in Peru during the summer, I must say!) But the way it shifted into something moodier, deeper, something where Hyakurin goes from kind of brashly shit-talking the world to being all raw and exposed and aching for Rin's comfort...mmmm. AND THE IMAGERY IS WONDERFUL AND THE SMUT IS JUST. WHAT THE FUCK HOW DO YOU MAKE IT SO PRETTY BUT RAUNCHY, EXQUISITE BUT VISCERALLY HOT, AT THE SAME TIME. ahahah I bet I'm making no sense I'M GOING TO COME BACK TO THIS AND LEAVE YOU A SECOND REVIEW WHEN I'VE HAD MORE SLEEP
I mean it, that's how much I love this. You've got these ladies down, and older!Rin taking care of a depressed, burnt out Hyakurin would turn me the fuck on any day, but in your hands it's just purespun gold. THANK YOU FOR THIS.
AHAHAHAAHAA I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE THIS, BECAUSE I WAS REALLY, REALLY NERVOUS WITH IT, LMFAO. 8'D Like near the end kind of uncertain of Rin's characterization and all, and typing my stuff up just makes me hate it sometimes, HAHAA, but I'm so glad you enjoyed this enormous thing ♥ since it was really such fun and a pleasure to write.
I feel like near the end it sounds so unhealthy, Hyakurin sort of shifting all of these things on to Rin without Rin knowing, wanting her to help with dealing with them, which worries me a little, but I also hope that the end kind of implies that Hyakurin will be moving in a better direction in the future, actually trying to talk to her and all and... if you enjoyed it, it's the best response I could have asked for, really. ♥ Thank you so much, Epon!
I mean it, that's how much I love this. You've got these ladies down, and older!Rin taking care of a depressed, burnt out Hyakurin would turn me the fuck on any day, but in your hands it's just purespun gold. THANK YOU FOR THIS.
I feel like near the end it sounds so unhealthy, Hyakurin sort of shifting all of these things on to Rin without Rin knowing, wanting her to help with dealing with them, which worries me a little, but I also hope that the end kind of implies that Hyakurin will be moving in a better direction in the future, actually trying to talk to her and all and... if you enjoyed it, it's the best response I could have asked for, really. ♥ Thank you so much, Epon!
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