Dec 23, 2005 14:35
best day: gah, a tie between graduation and prom
worst day:
best couple hours you spent having fun: the all-night party
if you could go back and re-live one day without changing a thing: april 23. oliver, friends, laughter, and dressing up--what's better?
if you could go back and re-live one day and change ONE thing: july 14, I would've said two words instead of one
hottest day you remember: cedar point b/c aubrey almost fainted
new friends you made: liz, zachariah, ally and danelle
someone you missed: michael
biggest accomplishment: haha this probably sounds pathetic, but...'finishing my scrapbook'
best winter memory: operation bambi
best spring memory: nothing ever happens in spring...*thinks* getting kissed I guess, even though it probably took 14 years off my life.
best summer memory: the scariest tube ride ever. Me + aubrey koalaing on Mable and Trace + Drew on the patriot
best fall memory: Mac Grill when my mom paid, or when Trace + Aubs came to visit me @ Umich
randomest meeting: definitely Zachariah when he almost killed me on the way to Accapellooza
favorite saying: pretty much
something you learned about yourself: I can fit into a size small shirt, I don't express myself in person well at all (but I knew that before this year), and hmmm..oo I'm pro-life
how was your year overall: it was fantastically awesome even though there were a few not so awesome parts to it--life isn't supposed to be easy anyway :)
biggest disappointment: ruby and rob dropping out of school...esp ruby
fav music group(s) of the year: Anberlin, Waking Ashland, and The Spill Canvas for suuuuuuure
worst injury: physically? well I jammed my finger sledding a few weeks ago. Emotionally, eh, let's stick to the physical stuff haha.
keeping hindsight in mind, what would you do different if you could re-live the past year: I would've remembered that "a lot of opportunities can be missed if we're too scared to take a chance". In the past year there were a lot of times I should've acted based on how I felt instead of being scared.
if the past year were a book who would be the main characters: me (obviously), Tracy!, brad, aubrey, and then later liz