Jul 04, 2007 01:00
a lot of things made sense to me last night in a way that i wouldn't have put together as much last summer.
had security with tyler last night and bookie met up and drove around with us, drinking and smoking. we went back to books place after we were done at 3AM and it was nice to chill somewhere and have some beers comfortably.
last night was the first time tyler and i ever verbally talked about getting together to hook up. i was glad to discover that he shared some of my same feelings from last summer of wanting to mean more to each other, but was even more glad last night to realize neither of us wants a relationship.
rehashing it out in my mind now, the whole night was surreal. we didn't do anything but just talking about that secured so many things that i had been wondering about for quite some time.
it was refreshing.