Since when did it become okay for people to open up bags of chips in the grocery store, take out a single chip to sample it...and then put the bag back on the shelf?
I witnessed this at the grocery store tonight, when I was picking up light string cheese, raw almonds, and salad things. She was noisily opening each different type of bagged chip, and tasting each one. If it didn't taste all that great, she would put the bag back on the shelf. I think there was something mentally wrong with her.
Would you TELL on someone like that? I mean...what do you say or do?
I stood there and called Judy in front of her. "Judy," I said, "There is this weird little Asian lady opening up chips and eating them in front of me...and putting the chips back."
Still, the lady continued. I guess she didn't understand English. When I returned to the same aisle later, she was gone. I wonder how many bags of chips she actually opened and taste-tested from. The moral of the story, I guess, is to make sure your bag of chips is unopened when you buy them.
In other news, I am coming down with another case of the Singaporean Bird Flu. Thanks to the CEO (once again), except this time, he brought it down with him from a recent business trip to northern California. I really hate it when he openly tells us, "I'm sick as a DOG!" and then proceeds to spread his Singaporean Bird Flu germs all over the office the rest of the week, which is already small and enclosed...and easily contaminated. I thought they were bad allergies yesterday, but now I'm rethinking it and I'm far too congested for this to be just hay fever or anything else.
I'm considering buying these tomorrow if I still feel under the weather and congested:
You know, as therapy before I end up having to see a doctor anyway, since my illnesses rarely subside until I see a professional about it and get drugged up with prescription meds.