May 13, 2005 14:44
Tonight is prom..
So much underage drinking going on and sex. SO MUCH SEX. Too overrated. all of it but whatever. Shane and liz are pretty excited. I get to go take there pictures at the cemetary. My mum is pretty depressed because she can't be here to see them off to prom and take pictures herself, but I will make sure to take plenty and show her and give her at least one of everything. She works till late.
And we were supose to go get tatoos tomorrow night but she sallied out on me! and says "how about next saturday" when it was HER idea to go this saturday to begin with. it's cool though. Shannon will be working so I don't think we'll go next saturday anyway. Just keep pushing it back till maybe someday! Maybe I'll go and get my nautical start tomorrow!? We'll see if I feel daring or not. Otherwise I'll wait on it. I don't have much money though. We'll see what happens. Maybe as payment for taking care of 'the kids' and making sure pictures are taken I can ask for an extra tat. I WANT MY STAR DAMN IT!. I found a picture of exactly what I was looking for too - Colors and everything on a website in a friends profile... but come to find out that one picture I find is my friends tatoo. I didn't realise till after. I showed them to say "THIS IS WHAT I WANT!" and they say "No way, thats a picture of my tatoo.." Slackers! I don't wanna copy but screw it! I WANT THAT TATTOO!
Anyway... Off to get dressed and stuff.