Mar 20, 2005 14:49
Had another adventure last night! Boy oh boy was it fun. Kept us out till almost 3 though. We left around 9:30 to see if there was a place open for Shannon and Ryan to get there tatoo's and we were unable to find one. We looked at a few places around. None open, or the one that was open we went to the door and it was locked he came to the door and said he was closed shut the door again and turned off his neon open sign as we walked away. lol But we got back around 11:30? Shannon was tired and wanted to go to bed so we talked a while and she went to bed. Dan, Ryan and I wern't tired yet so we took off to find an adventure. He took me down this development that wasn't exactly done yet. It came to a dirt road pretty quick that was bumpy as all hell. If it wasn't the middle of the night it wouldn't have been frozen and we wouldn't have been able to get very far. I bet its a giant mud patch durring the day. It was somewhere in scarboro. Giant mud field after a trail. It was fun though. Ryan wanted me to go up the big dirt pits but I refused. I didn't feel like being stranded and the middle of a place no one would find. lol Or getting stuck.
So we found random things to borrow around the area. We found a hydrant knocked over on the side of the road, we stoped and as I told Ryan, it wouldn't budge seeing it's probably still attached. Sure enough it was still attached. We did some sly snooping and well white's not the best of colors to wear spying in the dark. :-P Anyway we got home around 3 in the morning I don't realkly want to say what we did on this thing because well it could come back to us. This is all!
Other than last night not too much has been going on. I re-read my last post and there really shouldn't have been a to be continued. it was pretty much the end I think Jamie came over so I had to go but other than that... That's all that night brought on. That night was fun too!
Jamie is out skiing, I'm around doing nothing but sleeping. I slept till 2:15! lol When my mom started vaccuming. Now I have a lot of things to reinstall into my computer because I had to reboot the thing so ta ta for now and happy reading. :-*