Oct 02, 2007 12:05
24 things I love about you. (blatently stolen from www.notesfromthetrenches.com)
1. that you love to curl up next to me to sleep with your toes pressed into my side - even if it does remind me to cut your toenails.
2. that you are a full contact eater.
3. that when you find a penny you run through the house chanting "money, money, money"
4. that you want me to change the words of "the wheels on the bus" to "the wheels on the blue car"
5. that you ask me to sing about sunshine.
6. that you love to sit on your daddy's shoulders and touch the ceiling.
7. your favorite phrase is "jee burp" and that you love to demand that I burp too.
8. you use your matchbox cars as the firemen in the firetruck
9. you love to dance
10. how you come running to me or daddy after we have been away, even if it was only 5 minutes.
11. the way you run - laughing all the way.
12. How you are always so excited to get to daycare
13. I love how hard you concentrate on building towers with your new blocks, and then how excited you get when you knock them down.
14. you want to watch any new situation for a good ten minutes before you decide if it is ok to go and play
15. how much you enjoy stabbing playdough with a spoon
16. how you give kisses
17. that you are just learning how to jump - and how excited you get when you succeed.
18. your favorite activity is blowing bubbles
19. how gently you pet the cat - even though she doesn't like it.
20. how you give me your pacifier when your done with it, and then when you want it back look for it in my pocket.
21. how you love to help so much we had to go out and get you your own broom and mop.
22. that you love water so much that it had to have a special name. (la'a-gul)
23. that, like me, you want to call things by the sound they make.
24. your laugh