I get the feeling there should be more to this, but I can only write what I remember, as I remember it. That doesn't mean it's definitely true, because KAT-TUN absolutely killed me tonight and I'm in some kind of heaven right now. They can never do concerts again because they cannot possibly top these ones. At least, Kame can't.
(Any mistakes/typos will be corrected when my brain is functioning again.)
Opening night of Domucon! The goods were being sold this morning from 8, and since Tia and I woke up ridiculously early we figured we might as well get it out of the way with. The goods are gorgeous this year, especially the shopping bag, and Kame is criminally pretty. I finally own a Jin uchiwa, also.
Anyway, we had pretty decent seats tonight, in Gate 22, so we were in a great position to see pretty much everything, including the suspicious-looking wires...and the giant planets suspended from the ceiling. I don't have a picture, but I know people who do. We watched the planets move slowly for a little while until the lights dimmed and they came down from the ceiling, round the sides, and disappeared behind the stage.
The 'Planets' theme is actually a bit more universal than that. KAT-TUN appeared in animated form on the giant screens, all looking very cute. (Jin had plaid and little hair flips, and Kame appeared to be wearing a waistcoat. Or a bra, but the waistcoat is more likely.) The six of them boarded a space shuttle, Akame taking the front two seats, and shot off for the stars. There were a number of times when the screens had space-type images - between that and the lasers, you could almost feel like you were in Star Wars or something.
There were hundreds of Juniors involved (well, it seemed like it) and the first thing we saw was a bunch of them posed in a giant frame on the stage. A pretty impressive backdrop for 'Rescue', with giant flames on the screen at the back and the real thing down the front.
'One Drop' was next, and this had water imagery. The middle stage was basically the water stage, with sprinklers all over the place to shoot out water for the guys to dance around/under/on - yes, I did say "on". See Kame's solo for details.
'LIPS' went with Wood as a theme, maybe? There were - I don't know what you'd call them, moveable platforms? Like stairs with railings on the end. They had mossy decorations along the sides. The guys went up in them to sing.
'Yorokobi no Uta' had gold, and Jin changed the lyrics to 'ai shite imasu' again. This got the expected cheer, though not nearly as loud as when Kame removed his sunglasses. Kame and Jin looked damned near identical at the beginning of the show, wearing matching blue checked wrap-around things and shades, and Kame wore a bandana for a while. (Akame shop for the same skirts?)
I think that was Saturn swirling around during 'Keep the Faith'. They ran through the singles pretty quickly, which is why I don't really have any notes other than the titles. Next was 'Don't U Ever Stop', followed, surprisingly, by 'White X'mas'. I never thought I'd see that one in concert.
Next was 'Sadistic Love'. Jin ended up invading Koki's personal space for a bit during the rap. Plenty of lasers around for this one.
Then came the solo that made everyone in the Dome slightly weak at the knees. Kame is the most demented, gutsy, downright crazy member of a group known for being weird at the best of times, and if anyone doesn't believe me, go see for yourselves. I thought at first that the member going up to the top of the Dome in a red cage was Maru, because of the whole bungee jump thing, but it turned out to be Kame. He dangled out of the cage by various limbs for a bit, then fell to the ground. Lunatic.
It looks like that was probably him committing suicide as the general, because the next thing you know, there are spotlights searching the arena till they find him, reclining in a red kimono with his hair pinned up and looking ultra-girly. Lots of flag-bearing Juniors on the stage - Kame and his male harem? My recollection of the sequence of events is somewhat cloudy because my brain stopped functioning round about the time I noticed he started stripping. Can you blame me? Smeared red lipstick, dancing with giant fans and parasols, and actually standing on (well, suspended above) the fountains on the centre stage. Yes folks, Kamenashi Kazuya can walk on water. Are you ready to worship him the way the Juniors were doing?
After losing some more clothing and doing some suggestive dancing mid-air, Kame stopped playing the wife and started playing the page, I think, wearing a different colour robe (still half-shirtless) and brandishing a sword. He remained on the stage for part of Koki's solo, getting drenched (probably) by the fountains in the centre stage while Koki played Taiko drums, accompanied by Juniors making odd screeching sounds.
Koki's solo, 'Pierrot' was also epic, but for different reasons. I don't mean the "interesting" lyrics. He had Pierrot make-up for one eye (couldn't tell if he had on both), and there were playing cards on the screens during his solo. He rode his motorbike round the arena for a bit and then went into a giant metal cage/ball-thing with another ride, also on a motorbike. The other guy rode round him for a while, then exited, so Koki rode round the inside of the cage, going round in circles, upside down and so on. (It was difficult to make this out exactly because both men were wearing helmets and I have no clue who the other guy was.)
After riding back to the stage Koki continued his solo, winding up on a trolley with some Juniors (I could only make out Kitayama) and Junno. Cue Junno's solo, 'Wind'. He had Koki join him for the first little bit, after changing the opening (I think he was singing about himself?).
Once Koki departed, the trolley went round to the rear stage, where Juniors danced behind Junno with scarves. He tap danced for a bit, did his glow in the dark juggling thing (he did drop the balls in the end, though), and did a couple of flips. Then he called Jin, who was off to the left on another trolley. Junno's had wind imagery (moving clouds etc.) but Jin's was decorated with FIRE! Jin sang some of 'Wind' with Junno, and that was it for the first solos segment.
Nakamaru emerged in the bright orange RESCUE uniform for some solo beatboxing, after which the others materialised in identical outfits...all except Koki, who was dressed as a Dragonball character. (Krilin, was it?) We were shown VTR footage of the "cowardly" Nakamaru, including the failed bungee jump. (I forget when, but Yamada Ryosuke was "rescued" from the audience at some point around here, so even he could take part in teasing Nakamaru. I thought it was Yamapi at first, because Jin was messing around with him, ruffling his hair and stuff.)
Anyway, Maru got all geared up for his jump, and Kame got us all to count down from ten. Nothing. We counted down again. Nothing. Maru was all, "Muri! Muri!" - there was no way he was going to do it. He came down and everyone else except Yamada had disappeared. I don't know what the Kansai Juniors are up to at the moment but they got Nakayama Yuuma out there, and he and Yamada did 'Mayonaka no Shadow Boy' - I think there were some other Juniors involved? Then Nakayama did a song I don't know at all, so we'll skip that.
Next up, 'Peak', with the boys in flying cages! Jin's cage moved quite suddenly and he got startled; it was very cute. Then we had 'Jumpin' Up' and 'No Matter Matter', followed by the MC. They discussed the dramas they were in, plus the Gokusen movie and Bandage (Koki actually said *he* was in Bandage, if I recall correctly, so Jin took exception to that one). There were individual screens for all six of them so they kept trying to get in each other's screens. Tia tells me Kame and Ueda kissed but I'm afraid I didn't notice - I was too busy watching Jin trying to hide behind Koki and staring up at the back.
The MC ended with a surprise present for the audience - the giveaway of six tour posters (the ones currently all over the Tokyo Dome), based on the draw of ticket stubs. Each member drew one out and read it out in turn (I think there was only one in the arena and the rest in the stands, which the guys remarked on), and the spotlight and camera would go seek them out.
It was a bit nervewracking. When the draw was over, they said they were going to perform a coupling song (B-side). It turned out to be 'LOVE'! It now has a bit of a shambolic dance, but it was wonderful.
I can never spell the title of the 4 seasons one but you know the song I mean. I don't care for the song much but while they sang it, the screens above were showing trees in the four seasons, losing leaves etc. It was very pretty.
Back to the centre stage for 'Water Dance', and I'd be surprised if no one got a soaking. The six of them did a fairly intricate dance with the sprinklers, which shot from one side to the other and all in between. They followed this up with 'Moon', which I adore, but sadly I have nothing to say (except how fantastic it sounded) because I was too busy being thrilled to take notes.
Time for the Juniors to have a go. I'm afraid that because there were so many around, it was very difficult to keep track of what everybody was doing all night. ABC-Z performed 'Vanilla' (is that the right title?), and I cringed a little at the performance because while I have actually gotten to like Hasshi's singing, I find it a bit distasteful that he's singing such provocative things in English when he's so young. But hey, they had backdancers! Kis-My-Ft2 did what I think may have been 'Kis-My-Calling'? Very catchy. And then 'Fire Beat', which was really good.
Back to KAT-TUN. They had the date showing on the screen, then ran it back to the date of their debut. What else could it be but 'Real Face'? Past PV footage was playing on all the screens as they sang, and it was quite amusing to check out all Kame's hairstyles. (You'll be pleased to hear his hair looked fabulous tonight.) Junno did Koki's rap at the end, and very well too.
Time for some older songs! Jin forgot some lyrics to 'Never Again', which was performed while wearing the 'Six Senses' outfits from QoP.
Nakamaru was the producer for tonight, so they did a medley of songs he'd chosen. First was 'My Weather', for which the rest backed him up. Kame sidled up to Maru and patted him kindly on the head. Jin then did the same thing, but kind of clamped his hand down over Maru's head.
Next in the medley was a pre-debut song I didn't know, then 'Pika Pika II'. They were showing old concert footage on the screens, which kept distracting the members every time the audience reacted to it. Jin, in particular, got distracted very easily.
Best vocals of the concert were Kame and Jin on 'My Angel, You Are Angel', where they sounded so beautiful I almost got misty-eyed. Jin did start to crack up when they were showing footage of Ueda crying in the 'Okyakusama...' concert, though.
Back to the solos. Ueda, alone on the stage, played the piano rather beautifully for a while, but stopped playing when his solo, 'Hana no Mau Machi', actually started. I remember him saying he can't play and sing at the same time! There were feathers drifting up on the back wall, and footage from Romeo and Juliet on the screens. Very pretty, and very Ueda.
I don't even know how to describe Nakamaru's solo. Before he actually started 'White Wind', he did a sort of solo dance routine with the lights, running around the set and leaving images of himself behind. Complicated to describe, but impressive to look at! During the song, he and some Juniors danced with ghosts, and there were snow crystals on the screens.
It ended with Nakamaru sitting down on a throne at the back. When the lights returned, Jin was on the throne, pimp hat in place, four girls dancing attendance on him and a splash of lights that read 'Akanishi Jin feat. Crystal Kay'. (I have no idea what the song was called.) She wasn't there in person, you understand. Jin sang and danced with the girls on stage, but on the screens, there was footage (and obviously sound) of her singing, and a VTR of her dancing with Jin/backdancers. I think it actually looked good, though I didn't care for the song much. Jin's English pronunciation was excellent, however.
When Jin and his harem disappeared, Tottsu and Kawai turned up to introduce the members of KAT-TUN - but the wrong members were showing on the screens when their names were mentioned. This was a very strange segment, Remember I mentioned the cartoon versions of KAT-TUN? The Jin and Kame cartoon characters had been made into giant balloons, one on each side of the stage. These kind of hid in the corners for the moment while it was Junno vs. Koki. I'm not sure what they were doing, to be honest.
Next was Ueda vs. Nakamaru, which involved riding bikes around the arena. By this point, everyone was worked up because it was obvious who the last two opponents would be - Akame. Oh my. So, they appeared in black leather, hats and stuff, suspended over the arena, and flew from one side to the other to reach their opposite inflatable selves. I didn't see them do anything, though, and they went back and flew out again. They were both laughing, and Jin was trying to make flying movements. (He was sleeveless - this was quite entertaining.) Don't ask me who won, as I don't even know *how* you win.
They sang 'Ai no Command' and 'Wilds of My Heart', then returned to the rear stage to play with the LIPS microphones - except these shot out gold glitter streams, I think. Jin ran away so the others couldn't shoot him.
As expected, they finished with 'Neiro', and audience participation was mandatory. KAT-TUN didn't leave the stage for long. I think it was at this point that we were treated to more KAT-TUN on a space shuttle, because when they emerged for the encore, they were riding a trolley made up to look like a space shuttle. (They flew away to explore other worlds.) Jin sat on the front while the others all stood up and danced - 'She Said' was up first. Planets were shown on the screen, giant Earth hovering over them at the end, and they finished up with 'Peaceful Days'.
When they thanked the Juniors Kame introduced FiVe almost wholly in English, which was cute. We all had to check our seats for a sticker - if we had one, we were supposed to switch our penlights on, otherwise switch them off, and it spelled out WE ARE KAT-TUN in lights round the Dome. (I think. I wasn't looking.)
Jin didn't swear in English or anything this time, but he did ask us a few times if we were ready to rock - on the last one, he sounded 100% American. I think he screwed up the beginning of 'LIPS' but can't remember how.
Sorry, I know this was a bit disjointed but I'm still jet-lagged and I wanted to get this all out of my system before I go again tomorrow. I don't feel so weird about scribbling titles down in my notebook during the concert now that I've seen the Japanese fans doing it!