Mar 11, 2012 19:12
Not much new on the front with my son. We got him registered for K the other day, after having to drive to Dorchester (part of Boston) for his birth certificate. My husband and I both thought we had a copy in our possession but come registration day we found we didn't. So I had to drive up and around the city in circles looking for this place that was not well marked and wasn't even where my GPS said it was. But all is well now.
I'm afraid to weigh myself, so I am going to try eating WW meals for lunch and dinner, a sensible breakfast (cereal and berries, or a couple scrambled eggs with cheese, for instance). That should leave me with plenty of calories for snacking at night which I cannot seem to get a handle on. WW calories are 6-7 points each and I think I have 19 points per day to play with plus the extra weekly points. I'm going to try that for maybe 3 weeks and then weigh myself. Hopefully that'll be less scary. I already know I've gained back the 20 lbs I lost last year which I'm really disappointed about.
I keep telling myself it'll be easier to eat sensibly when I don't have to drive my son to and from preschool at lunch time and pass by every fast food place in town. But I'm sure I'll have some other lame excuse next year.
I always fall into the same patterns. I get super psyched about my new idea for losing weight, be it going low carb, or running on the treadmill or just trying to eat sensibly. I think, what can go wrong? I go easy on myself, I allow myself to cheat. And I still fail. I'm getting sick of it.
I'm going on a cruise in June and I'm in my cousin's wedding the week after that. I really want to look good for both. But the instant reward of crappy food seems more enticing at the time.
optimistic weight loss plans