♟applιcaтιon @ ilpromenade

Sep 05, 2011 01:18


✧ NAME: Naiku
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): naiiscooking@AIM, foodiehipster@Plurk
✧ CURRENT MUSE LIST: Sora (ultimarecipe)


✧ NAME: Zaheer Bell
✧ SERIES: Original
✧ HISTORY: (Trigger warnings: abuse)

Three races reside in Aloura. Alourians, Owlings, and Drow.

Alourians live on the bright side--also called the "Yang Territory". Owlings and Drow live on the dark side, the "Yin Territory". Owlings are an offshoot of Alourians with large wings, feathered tail, and brilliant eyesight. Drow are dark elves, a race of their own with an affinity for dark powers. Alourians, for as long as Owlings have lived, have hunted them down for their wings as trophies and accessories. As it goes, they have been locked in war since the old times.

The Owling leaders have been the Bell family for five generations. Triad and Vieria Bell, the most recent leaders, were found dead on a battlefield, and were chanced upon by the King and Queen of Aloura. They were immediately blamed for killing the two leaders, despite not being at fault. In truth, they were not slain by Taielle or Thadoore Lean, nor any member of the recent Alourian royals. They were killed by Dasche Bell, Triad Bell's brother and brother-in-law to Vieria Bell. Jealous and obsessive of his brother's marriage with Vieria, he killed both of them to reap the spoils--their son, Zaheer Bell, who was merely sixteen at the time. Zaheer, who's resemblance was striking to his mother, was named leader and given his father's crown. Too young to rule on his own, most decisions were chosen by his uncle. Zaheer was little more than a figurehead for three years, and as his uncle's obsession with his mother escalated and extended to him, he had no choice but to keep silent through his uncle's fall into delusion.

Dasche's abuse of Zaheer was unrelenting. At first, it was merely mental, the man using his connection to him to screw with Zaheer's traumatized mind. As time slowly went on and he grew, he started to become physically abusive as well. Zaheer, trained as a warrior, could certainly protect himself from his attacks and endure the pain. It only grew more twisted when Zaheer grew to be eighteen, and Dasche's obsession extended to focus on Zaheer fully. With his mother's looks, Dasche implied and sometimes outright told Zaheer that he would be his. He never acted on his words, but came close several times, always excusing himself by telling Zaheer that his 'reward' would come when he was older.

Zaheer was old enough to realize that what was happening was wrong and tried to protest, in vain. Alerting anyone that he was hurt would make them panic and in this time of mourning, he could not cause backlash into their own system. His own people couldn't look at someone in power badly, or they would start to question everyone. Who could come into power then? He had to carry out his duties in silence.

The little swordsmanship training he was given was replaced with duties of the kingdom, listening to poorer families, being a voice at festivals and funerals and appearing at rebuilding sites. He was forced to choose between keeping his people safe, content, worry-free and his own safety. He knew that he had no real choice in the matter, and he knew there was no winning in choosing either reason, just a lesser evil. He was not just a figurehead, he was their hope; a young leader that could lead them to victory. Zaheer chose keeping his people safe and in his heart. His knowledge of self-defense and attack strategies, his power all diminished and dwindled until he could only take his uncle's merciless abuse with open arms. When he was smaller, he could only dislike his uncle, but now it grew to full-born hate. He hated the person his uncle actually was.

While Dasche kept him very close at all times, Zaheer traveled and met all sorts of allies to the Owling people. One ally in particular, an affluent Drow family of warriors, took a liking to him. He stayed for longer than a week at their estate while their family was drafted into the Owling militia. He spent many hours with the children and the warriors of the branching family, gaining their trust. As a parting gift, they gave him a set of secret scrolls containing powerful dark magic as penance for his parents' death and the upcoming battle. Zaheer was finally given strength he could wield.

In secret, he practiced black magic until the change showed. Owling wings show one's element affinity--those with affinity to Yang (light) have black wings and those with affinity to Yin (dark) have white wings. Zaheer's wings turned pure white: his people took it as a warning that Zaheer was preparing for war earlier than expected. Dasche saw it another way and prepared himself. Zaheer's spells were incredibly powerful, fueled by the fact that he was born in the right territory and his powerful hate. His hate, the hate all angled at his uncle, and he sought to release his newfound power on him for all that Dasche had done to him. One night, a dark moonlight night, he came to Dasche's study to finally kill him in return for his merciless abuse. He didn't succeed.

Dasche told him that he never meant to hurt him, but he could not stop the feelings of hate he felt towards the Alourian King and Queen for killing his brother and his brother's wife. Dasche wept and begged for Zaheer's forgiveness, putting on a show for his nephew's already bleeding heart to consider. Zaheer fell for it, hook line and sinker. He pulled Zaheer's strings just so, manipulating the hate Zaheer had grown for him and projecting it at the Alourian royal family. Their future opponents. His reasoning shifted and took into consideration what his uncle lead him to believe. Zaheer played himself right into his uncle's hands yet again, and Dasche unknowingly kick-started Zaheer's horrible, abusive streak.

He grew to be nineteen, and that day precisely, he set out to the Alourian palace to kill the entire royal family, escorted there by Dasche under the guise of two travelers.

The royal Lean family, celebrating Emalia's tenth birthday, was none the wiser as Zaheer and Dasche made quick work of the guards. Taielle and Thadoore were taken prisoner by Dasche, and the three elder Lean children--Tamos, Maitl, and Adryu--were killed brutally in front of their parents and little sister. Zaheer, showing a small sense of heart, refused to hurt Emalia. He saw innocence in her and refused to taint it any further, simply deciding to make her a prisoner in her own home by locking her in the dungeon. Emalia refused and, trained as young as she was, decided to fight back using what little she had on a disposal--her dead brother's sword. Neither Zaheer nor Dasche expected this, and it caused a battle to break out between Zaheer, whom had been forced to give up swordsmanship for magic, and Emalia, who had named a prodigy in swordsmanship since her first two years.

The youngest male child, Jarah Lean, arrived on the scene shortly afterward and took Zaheer on by himself. Jarah, like Zaheer, was nineteen and supremely skilled in magic. It was truly a challenge of light magic versus dark magic, and which would prevail would only depend on will.

It was a battle Zaheer won.

Jarah became his prisoner, along with his sister. Dasche and Zaheer proclaimed Aloura and the Yang territory part of the Owling land, and sent word for their militia to move in and make Aloura truly theirs.

Still reeling from his uncle's manipulation, his hate focused on the remaining figure of the Lean family: Jarah. As merciless as his uncle had been, he tortured the Alourian royal for information, for knowledge, pilfered his achievements and took hold of everything he had. The cruelty he'd been hoarding for three long years all unleashed on Prince Jarah, in some of the worst ways. In a mockery of the other's light powers, the power of the Yang territory, he tainted Jarah's magic with darkness. Jarah, thoroughly ashamed and vulnerable with this new element coursing through and rejecting his body, was in the same position Zaheer and been.

Finally relishing the feeling of power, Zaheer let Dasche take care of Aloura while he began to take care of his own people, bringing them into the Yang territory while unleashing his frustrations in secret. The war was won, or so he had thought.

✧ PERSONALITY: Zaheer is a tarnished diamond necklace waiting to be polished, but forgotten. There is so much potential, and Zaheer can shine if people will just give him a chance, but because people rarely do, all he is to them is a "menace".

The part of Zaheer most people see is the wall. The wall Zaheer shows to the world and refuses to build down for fear of letting them see how honest and vulnerable he is. This "wall" of his is nothing but coldness. This is the fucking tundra. Zaheer keeps his wall up so he can convince everyone he doesn't give a shit about them. Everyone that isn't worthy of his time will bounce off of it and he will just brush them off. He works alone or not at all. Zaheer will use excessive violence whenever he feels like it while still keeping this wall up. He's far more inclined to be violent to people he doesn't know than people he does, as people he does know tend to have walked right into his heart and set up a bunk bed there. People that bonk into his wall and say 'what's that' give him reason to torch the hell out of them. Most humans/Alourians will forever be on the outside part of the wall, simply because of his hate towards the Alourian royal family and, by extension, Alourians in general and hey humans look like Alourians so let's torch humans too. This, however, doesn't have to be an 'always' factor. There are ways of getting past his horrid exterior.

It's difficult to get through to Zaheer's heart. If you're trying, there's a sixty percent chance you just won't succeed. Zaheer is not the kind of person that people can work their way into; he very rarely lets someone in unless he establishes that they are truly and lawful good or in need of protecting. He is nowhere near "good" or even "lawful", and the thought that people would be good without needing to be is something he could only ever hope to be like. Innocence and youth is something Zaheer cherishes above all and will protect to amazing lengths. He loves children and taking care of them, making sure they're safe and making them happy. Zaheer would never wish what happened to him onto anyone, even his opponents, and definitely not innocent children (note innocent children, if there's a kid that's a brat and not innocent at all, he will feel no qualms in kicking them to the curb).

At the heart of his person, he is very dependable, honest and loyal. You will never have another friend like Zaheer; he can be as manipulative as he can be manipulated and if you are in his good graces, as he will go through hell to keep those close to him safe. That said, he doesn't give a fuck about tact. Are you wrong? He will smack you and tell you you're wrong to your face and not give a shit about the reaction. As Zaheer normally keeps his feelings to himself to avoid being "wrong" or being viewed in a negative light, when he speaks, he has something good to say and everyone should listen. He may be cold and cruel at times, but that will never stop him from admitting the truth. He may leave some things out, but he will not lie to anyone's face about anything.

He will (and does) sacrifice everything for the greater good, even if it makes him a cold-blooded killer. While others may see it as completely mental, Zaheer will never stop fighting. Once Zaheer gives up, there is something inherently wrong about the situation or himself. If it's something worth fighting for, he'll fight for it tooth and nail. If he has nothing to fight for, Zaheer has nothing to do. At the most, Zaheer will let himself be used to an end for something to do, for something to believe in and something to fight for. In the end, he wants to feel alive, and as cold as he is and as cold as he knows people view him, he needs a passion that he can use. He will adopt anyone's passion for that will to live.


✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: His Place of Solace is the Bell family tree, which is about 70ft in diameter and about four stories tall. In it, there's an extravagant study made completely of wood, carved into the tree. It functions as Zaheer's study (and can be his Place of Solace if his tree isn't acceptable).

*application, *ilpromenade

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