Eitan Time!

Jun 07, 2010 17:11

I need a new Eitan icon -- my grandbaby is almost two now, a real little boy, rapidly losing the baby look.

Eitan is going to spend a lot of time with me over the next few weeks. My daughter is covering for a colleague on vacation, taking on their clients as well as her own. (She provides in-home socializing therapy for autistic children.) So she's working more than 40 hours a week, every week in June.

AND, both my daughter and her husband are in a play this month. Technical rehearsals every night this week, performances from June 9 through 26. (St. Louis people, it's a rarely performed classic of postmodern European theater, Hamletmachine, at the ArtDimensions Gallery down on Cherokee Street. Come see it!)

So I get Eitan all day and all evening too, several days a week for the next few weeks. He's even spending the night a couple of times.

I have stocked up on the ingredients for his favorite meal (toasted cheese sandwich, steamed broccoli, fruit-filled cookies, milk). I have a stock of big fat crayons and a new Dora the Explorer coloring book. I have planned expeditions to Turtle Park and the Magic House.

Wish me luck!!

This entry was originally posted at http://beckyzoole.dreamwidth.org/61675.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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