Non-Content-Strike Related Post

Mar 17, 2008 12:35

To all of you are here to follow the Content Strike, you can safely disregard what's below the LJ cut. It's just that I usually post the week's menus and schedule on my LJ for my husband and friends; and also to remind myself of what's cooking.

I promise I'll keep all such non-strike-related posts to a minimum until it's over, and always put the bulk of the post behind an lj-cut.

Weekly menu and schedule at WinneBagEnd:

Sunday March 16: Out to lunch with SueBear and Cub. Housecleaning, laundry. Eat up leftovers for dinner.
Monday March 17: Order pizzas for gaming night.
Tuesday March 18: Hotdog-spaghetti casserole, green beans, jello with fruit.
Wednesday March 19: Roast from AngelFood, side stuffing, scalloped carrots, green salad, chocolate pudding pie.
Thursday March 20: My doctor's appointment is this morning. I'm going out for dinner with semperfiona, so bbwoof will probably grab some Chinese and work late. Begin LJ Content Strike tonight; read Megillat Esther.
Friday March 21: Mensa meeting night; make appetizer ahead of time to take to potluck reception.
Saturday March 22: Mark and Jen are cooking our Chanukah Present dinner. Clean refrigerator and oven before they arrive!
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