The Virgin
Every time we fuck and
you end it swiftly, crying
trembling like wind-scattered sand,
touched with soothing hand,
you say I'm lying
each time we fuck and
I dont treat you like a fanned
leaf brittle in the sun drying
trembling like wind-scattered sand.
I'll admit my speech is canned.
you'd think you were dying
each time we fuck and
you enjoy it, without a wedding band.
I can see you struggling for my ring,
each time we fuck, and
trembling like wind-scattered sand.
It has been a busy week. I had things I wanted to type here, but it has been a few days since I decided I needed another entry.
I guess I'll just tell the story of my trip to East Lansing a few days ago. Went up to meet with
petitsqueak. Before seeing her, I dropped by the ol' Curious Bookstore, which happened to be having a half off sale on all Fiction and Poetry (Man, Cooper, you picked a crappy time to go to Texas.) New Acquisition list:
-Selected Poems of Robert Frost
-Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge
-(P.) Shelley's Poetry and Prose
- Selected Poems of Ezra Pound
- Selected Poems of D.H. Lawrence
- Complete Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
and an autobiography of E.B. White
Total Cost: $17.50
I usually dont buy Selected Works books because they either arent actually written by the author or are written by the author in a time of gross retrospective self-inflatedness, but the reason I bought a lot of these was to just pick up and read a poem or two before bed, so I wont be able to re-create the unity of the original books of poems anyway. Plus the less Robert Frost the better.
My partner for the evening left around 8 or so. I called a few people to see if they wanted to hang out a bit. Found out/ remembered that it was Justin's going away party. (He has an internship in Virginia soon.) Got into Crunchy's before they were carding. Did some Karaoke. Set list:
-Very out of tune version of Dancin' in the Moonlight.
-Summer Lovin' Duet with the very talented
-Brown Eyed Girl with a very drunk Justin.
Sadly, although I was too much of a wuss to attempt to order1 a much needed2 drink before my performances, I had no trouble procuring drinks almost immediately after. Drink list:
-1 double of Scotch neat
-another double of Scotch neat
-"no thanks, I think I'm going to stop"
-what the hell, "I'll have another double please"
-a whiskey sour, but only a single
-"make ths 'un a d-dubl"
-"wun mor' Wh-hic-isky Zour."
Proceeded upon arriving back at the Hillcrest Apartment building, where I was graciously offered a place to sleep for the night, to drink glass after glass full of water from the 2-cup measuring cup which was the only clean drinking device available. Stayed up playing strip poker until 5am. Slept from 5 until 7. woke up at 7 and drove an hour and a half to the warehouse to pick up the van . Worked from 8:30 until 8pm.
1I will turn 21 in July.
2 I was nervous.