How-day! I'm really hyper right now. I just took some pics of myself. The batteries on my camera were running out, so I decided to use them up by being a cam whore.
I think they're all fuzzy because of the batteries, but whatever.
Then I took this with my webcam after the batteries died. =P
I had a class at Vibe tonight. It was the last one. *tear* Oh well, there's always next summer.
My mom bought me the stupid graphing calculator for math today. Luckily we went to Wal-Mart and got it for $127, but at Future Shop, they were like $250! I think not. My mom almost had a heart attack when she saw the price, but luckily my grandpa gave us $100 for it.
My mom also said that I could have an allowance, because I need money (can you tell I'm being pitied? =P) She was going to give me an allowance before, but it only lasted about 3 days because she just conveniently "forgot" about it. Ehhh.
Last but not least, I learned how to make those funky hearts. So...
'Nuff said.