Jul 01, 2007 13:32
My summer is going to be soooo amazing. It already is amazing. I went to camp last week and it was great. I'm now ready to be a camp counselor. That, and I know more songs and jokes than anyone wants to know.
Circus day is this Saturday...if anyone reading it wants to come. It will be different for sure. The sadest thing is that my grandpa is getting alzheimers, and my grandma and grandpa have to move out of their house. It's really stressful on everyone. But my mom taught me that you have to accept something, and move on. Don't let it control your whole life. So that's what I'm doing. I'm accepting the fact that he is losing his mind, and moving on. And not being all emotional like my aunts are.
I have three weeks at home now..and then I'm going on the mission trip. YAYAYYA! That will be lots of fun. Then right from there I go to Lakeside, Ohio with my bestest friend Michelle. So I won't be home for two weeks in a row. which is amazing. Then I have band stuff starting on that monday with rookie clinics and..well..you all know how that week goes.
Then I have band camp, which is always awesome. But I'm not really sure how awesome it will be this year. We'll see. Then the week after band camp I'm going to the Grand Hotel. Again. With my grandma and mom. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!
And as if that wasn't enough, I get a week home after that. Then my dad and I are going to mackinaw city for labor day weekend, and we're going to walk the bridge. YAY HORRAY!
So as you can see...most of my summer is get up and go. And the only resting part of the summer is July 1-21. Which is the next three weeks. But I'm so much happier now. And I'm happy for my summer. :)