
Mar 24, 2006 20:36

Well, this last week has been the special sort of fun that I like to refer to as "not enough sleep, too much to do". I had a major history test today worth a third of my grave grade in the class, so I spent this last week plowing through the outside reading book we had, as well as the textbook. This was not fun, despite the topic being interesting. (The election of 1800 was gloriously whack, y'all. Seriously.)

Why was it not fun? Because I prefer to study in my dorm room. My room, however, has a broken air-conditioner. It does not go higher than 60 degrees. Unless the heater is on, and then it will go up to 70 degrees. So, when we have, oh, a cold snap, then it is an evil arctic place of death. This makes it hard for me to concentrate on anything but getting another cup of hot chocolate and huddling under the blankets.

At no point was my studying enhanced by requirements to eat, sleep, shower, go to work, and go to other classes. Nor was it enhanced by me having two Biology quizzes this week.

Wednesday was hell night. I had to edit three short stories for Thursday morning, take a Biology quiz before midnight, eat dinner, shower, get at least seven hours of sleep so I would be semi-coherent, and finish the book for History class. This was not fun, despite the sheer WTFery that went into Thomas Jefferson getting elected. Not even the midget assassin in one of the short stories could make it fun.

This is sad, because midget assassins should be able to make anything fun.

Despite it all, I think I did well on the test. I also got in quite a bit of roleplaying (don't start, just shut your mouths right now), which helped keep me from snapping. Roleplaying vicious, nigh-on unkillable megalomaniacs and sneaky, smooth-talking thralls of Unicron really get rid of the ol' aggressive urges.

My brain has decided to focus on TFBlogs at the moment, though, and the Seeker Quest plotline in particular. So, 'Bloggers, Sideways says to listen to "Afterglow" by The Mission U.K. for his point-of-view on Fahrenheight, and to listen to "The Game" by Disturbed for what he thinks is Fahrenheight's pov on him.

Story summary in my head for something I want to write... "Jackpot meets a girl even luckier than he is. Her name? Teela Brown."

ETA: Random Armada commentary.

Rad, as narrator: "That night, there was a huge starshower over the Autobot base, as if the entire universe was mourning Optimus."

Or, like, Optimus's bits were burning up as they enter the atmosphere.

rpg: tfblogs, lsu, writing

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