Ax/Visser 3 Drabble

Apr 17, 2005 15:22

Title: Bruising Kisses
A/N: I have no frelling idea when this takes place, besides some strange AU. I just wanted to get this image out of my head.


Blue hands ran over his face, pressing so hard that they left bruises. He tried to pull away, to resist, but the Andalite-Controller's tail blade flashed down to rest at the base of his throat. He almost dared it, almost gave up everything. This had to end.

His own tail-blade was horribly restrained by a metal device; he could barely move his tail without cutting it. He was otherwise free to move around the cell. Except when the Visser came. Sometimes the Yeerk seemed content to watch him, but others....

Other times, the Visser left him with a bruised face.

writing, series: animorphs

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