[League of Legends] Two Shurima Champions

May 08, 2015 12:12

A few weeks back, Xerodath and I brainstormed up a support and ADC champion for Shurima. They're both Ascended, and I'm going to be calling them by their god-names here because we never did come up with actual names for them.

Thoth, the Scrivener of the Sands

Passive: Unique ammo system - pages. Thoth consumes pages on spell cast, and he regains a page every x seconds. For every page stored, he gains a certain amount of increased AP. Leveling up his ultimate gives him an increase to the maximum amount of pages he can have.

Q: Direct damage skill shot that marks any enemy champion struck with a cartouche for a short amount of time. Kills or assists on cartouche-marked targets refund the page-cost for this ability.

W [Balancing the Books]: When cast on an enemy, it steals a percentage of their current resource bar and grants Thoth a stack.
When cast on an ally, it consumes a stack and restores a percentage of their maximum resource bar. He must have a stack available to be able to cast on ally at all.

E: Puts down a page as a ground-target. The page marks an area around it; the usual clarity ring so people know where they can walk safely. If an enemy champion enters the marked area and runs over the page, they are immediately teleported back to the point where they crossed into the area marked by the page.

R: Steroid. Grants maximum pages, increased AP, and lower CDR. Every level in it increases the maximum amount of pages Thoth can possess.

Description/Lore: Ibis dude. Younger than Nasus and Renekton, older than Azir.

Interactions: - Taunting an enemy Azir: "The winners write the histories."

Commentary: So, I'm not sure if he should consume only one page flat per cast, or if he starts with a higher page-count cost and goes lower as he levels abilities, or starts with a lower page-cost and goes higher as he levels abilities, or some combination thereof.

There should be a special taunt for Xerath, I just can't think of one off the top of my head.


Sekhmet, the Scourge of the Sands

Passive: Sekhmet gains increased AD based on proximity to enemy champions. The closer she is to you, the harder she hits.

Q: At bow-range, set a skill-shot line that releases three arrows along that line in rapid succession.
At khopesh-range, do a radial-swipe.

W: Leaps to an enemy or ally champion, gaining increased lifesteal at the end of leap and drawing her khopesh.

E: Roars in a cone-shape. Enemy champions hit by the roar have reduced AD and AP.

R: Sekhmet shoots a global-range skillshot arrow, which does increased damage the lower her health is. If it kills the first champion it strikes, it continues onwards.

Description/Lore: Lion woman carrying a khopesh belted at her waist and a bow and arrows. She's a tawny, desert color, rather than Rengar's white.

The first Ascended, before the Shurimans figured out a way to do a proper, semi-safe ritual for it. She is, in some ways, a chosen of the sun like Leona is.

Rengar may be a many, many-times descendent.

She probably reappeared as a response to Rek'Sai and her people, because get the hell out of her homeland.

Interactions: - Taunting an enemy Vlad: "I could just drink you up."
- Taunting an enemy Rengar: "You aren't worth acknowledging."
- Taunting an enemy Rengar with Kha'Zix's Head: "Now take the head off another of them."
- Taunting an enemy Rengar who has max ranks in Rengar Champion Mastery: "Not bad, my boy. Not bad."

Commentary: Sekhmet is intended to be a high-risk, high-reward ADC. You soften them up with your arrows, then leap in, roar in their face, and shred them with your khopesh. We tried to put a couple of different levers in for tuning on that - passive AD gain, leap lifesteal gain, and the roar's AP/AD-reduction.

She should have special taunts for the other Ascended, Rek'Sai, and maybe the rest of the Void-bugs. She literally does not give a flying fuck about Xerath. Not sure how best to show that with a taunt, but it'd be fun if we could.

game: league of legends

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