LoL and Assorted Other Things Meme

Mar 06, 2015 16:54

Because I really, really want to write some League of Legends stuff right now. Also open to Star Wars (original trilogy, Thrawn books, Unsung Heroes, and Cadets) and AtLA. No LoK, because I'm still not caught up on that ( Read more... )


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[AtLA] What the crew thinks of the Firelord's child beckyh2112 April 23 2015, 17:29:41 UTC
Jee is not the captain of this ship, but he might as well be for all the actual captain wants to be involved in anything. But there's a reason she got assigned to this ship. No one who wouldn't be missed is on this ship, except maybe the Firelord's brother.

Serving the Firelord's child isn't an honor, it's a griefing.

But someone has to take care of the ship and crew, and if the captain won't do it, then Jee will.


If the prince were just Zuko, Kalim wouldn't find him half so unnerving. But sometimes the prince is Azula, and the navigator- he does not like Azula. His upbringing yells at him for his failure to respect the royals properly, but nothing in his life prepared him for the way she shoves Zuko out and slides in, so between one step and the next, the prince becomes someone else.

It was not right, he thought. The Firelords were mad, yes, but it was the brilliant madness of the forest fire. They did great things in their madness, things beyond the abilities of ordinary folk.

But Zuko seemed perfectly sane, if a bit of a brat. It was Azula who was the mad one, the true Firelord's heir.

But they were the same person, and they terrified him.


Iroh patted his nephew's hair, waiting for the boy to come out of the blank space. The crew feared Zuko and Azula, but these were the times he feared: when neither were present and the boy sat and watched the flames.

He did not know how they got lost, but he feared someday, neither would come back. But something else might.


Re: [AtLA] What the crew thinks of the Firelord's child luunyscarlet April 24 2015, 11:09:32 UTC
Eeeh, thank you so much for this :D!!! *rolls around in ficlet*
And yeah, the crew WOULD be afraid of Zuko and Azula, what with them sharing the same body and all. And Iroh, worrying for them when they go into the "blank space". Is there really a chance of neither of them returning to their body and something else taking over?
This ficlet gets me so interested in this 'verse. Jee mentions a female captain. Who is it and why isn't she interested in running the ship? How long have Zuko and Azula been together? I bet Zhao doesn't taunt Zuko so much in this 'verse. Not that it isn't fun to do it, but there's a good chance that Azula will emerge. Nobody gets to torment HER brother except her.


Re: [AtLA] What the crew thinks of the Firelord's child beckyh2112 April 24 2015, 21:19:28 UTC
Some of those questions I have answers to and some I don't! The captain isn't interested in running the ship because a) she rightly views it as a punishment assignment, and b) she's never been that interested in doing the work required of a naval officer.

Zuko and Azula have always been together, but I don't think it was noticeable until they were a toddler. Like, beforehand, Ursa noticed something was odd with her baby, but nothing she could put her finger on.

I don't think there's a chance of something else sliding into Zuko and Azula's body. They don't actually leave, that's just the words Iroh has for what he sees. (However, if their spirits actually were wandering, then yes, I do think something else could come in.)


Re: [AtLA] What the crew thinks of the Firelord's child luunyscarlet April 25 2015, 10:49:10 UTC
Thank you for the reply! Yeah, I can see Ursa realizing that there was something odd about her child and calling the Fire Sages over for an opinion only to be told that she actually has TWO children who just happen to share the same body. Wonder what Ozai thought of it.
I was suspecting that the "blank space" was actually the time when both personalities met to talk. They MUST have worked out some sort of system to cohabitate the same body.
I bet Azula wasn't at all happy with Zuko for getting them both scarred and banished. Heh, the GAANG dealing with the Zuko-Azula combo. That must've been very very interesting XD.


Re: [AtLA] What the crew thinks of the Firelord's child beckyh2112 April 25 2015, 11:52:57 UTC
Oooh, that sounds like a good idea for what they're doing then. I think I will gank it. >_>

But yeah, Azula was NOT A HAPPY CAMPER about being scarred and exiled. She actually tried to take over during the duel, which pissed Daddy off more. Zuko questioned him, Zuko has to face the consequences. Azula trying to shield him (this is not what was going on, this is what Ozai thought was going on) is not acceptable.


Re: [AtLA] What the crew thinks of the Firelord's child luunyscarlet April 25 2015, 16:47:12 UTC
Gank away ;). I was thinking that Azula would see the quest to find and capture the Avatar as a wild-goose chase and this would shake her love and loyalty of Ozai. She might actually be more amenable to listening to Iroh.


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