Many apologies for the really belated letter. I work retail, so the last few months have been pretty rough.
1. Wall of Night - Helen Lowe; Malian of Night, Aravenor
Shippiness, please. Something set after "The Gathering of the Lost". I was shipping them throughout the book, but the stuff at the end made me squee and want more of them.
Not really sure of anything else to say here.
2. Secret Six; Catman, Deadshot
More of these two being best friends who are not very good at it, please.
To give you some ideas, I especially love the sequence in canon at the bodega when the two of them are buying ice cream for Scandal. It really emphasizes that they're friends and not good guys. I also liked the bit in the Blackest Night issue where there's a bit between Deadshot and one of the Suicide Squad guys:
re: Catman
"Is he dead?"
"Isn't the guy supposed to be your best friend or something?"
"Yeah, maybe. So is he dead?"
A couple of Yuletides ago, Tirieal wrote me
this amazing piece. Friendship~ :D
*coughs* So yeah. Those two. And their friendship. I'm not at all familiar with where either them are in nu52, so I'd prefer to stick with the canon before that.
3. League of Legends; Lux, Darius
Again, shippiness, please. I ship these two hard. There's a lot of common ground for them in their dedication to duty and what it's cost them. Too, I think they'd be good for each other. Lux to help Darius with missing Draven, Darius to help Lux with her PTSD. (Seriously, read Lux's Judgment.)
Please set it in the world where the Institute of War and the League of Legends still exists. Riot removing that aspect of lore recently cast me adrift in terms of head-canon. Way too much of my character interactions are based around the League. Because when the hell else are some of these people going to meet under polite circumstances?