Working on trick or treat things and NaNo, but have a log

Nov 02, 2013 16:55

[Becca]: It's a Minecraft mod that adds dinosaurs.
[Sam]: Live dinosaurs or extinct dinosaurs?
[Becca]: Yes. You get to dig up fossils and Jurassic Park them so you can breed live dinosaurs.
[Sam]: Cool. I like that Jurassic Park is a verb now.

[Sharon]: Also, Charles is scaring me with Gravity Falls gifs.
[Becca]: He does that.
[Sharon]: I'm scaring him by telling him about how we have mosquitoes 20% bigger than previous years.
[Becca]: Heh.
[Sharon]: He's threatening to cosplay as a mosquito now.

[Becca]: If anyone challenges my Transformers cred, I will be irritated
[Puck]: I will have an alibi ready
[Becca]: Best friend. <3
[Puck]: <3
[Puck]: "She was on the moon! With Steve!"
[Puck]: "Tony's fault."

[Sharon]: Because, yes, Georgia has Shelob in mosquito form.

[Liona]: Haha, yeah, my hair was long and auburn. That was highschool era.
[Scott]: I forgot that you were born from a rock egg in new zealand
[Scott]: what a lovely family picture of you and your unborn siblings!!!

[Charles]: nah, based on solicits and the latest RID, it's G1 Starscream
[Charles]: but he's got a new body
[Becca]: That is from Armada.
[Charles]: they may be using the Armada design to play with what fans know about Armada Starscream, i.e. he was honourable etc
[Charles]: or Hasbro has a new starscream toy out
[Becca]: I do know we're getting a Generations Armada Starscream.
[Charles]: that's it then
[Charles]: this is the current comic? Then THIS IS WHERE THE NEW BODY GOES

[Wingus]: No, the Rock is not actually a rock
[Liona]: aowghogh
[Liona]: WINGUS, NO.
[Wingus]: I'm sorry
[Wingus]: It's the stone cold truth
[Liona]: Curse you, I'm too sleepy to pun. XD
[Becca]: Bad wingus
[Wingus]: A gravel situation, that.
[Becca]: Bad Wingus!
[Liona]: That's a load of schist. >:V
[Wingus]: But of quartz. :U
[Liona]: Quartz is a mineral, not a rock! Salt yourself out!
[Wingus]: BAH
[Liona]: XD XD
[Wingus]: /flips a water table
[Liona]: Hey now, don't make a mountain out of a molehill. It's not my fault.

[Scott]: Denial isn't just a river in Egypt..
[Becca]: *denies their deaths so hard*
[Scott]: Yeah. I rewatched it to remind how they 'died.'
[Scott]: I'm sure it's POSSIBLE to survive a point blank nuclear explosion...
[Becca]: Indy did it.
[Scott]: Not point blank.
[Scott]: Also he had a nineteen sixties refrigerator.
[Scott]: Come on Becca. Be realistic here.

[Puck]: So let me tell you what: transcribing a french acccent without actually using the phonetics?
[Puck]: A BITCH

[Friendly Kayle gets a penta-kill.]
[Wingus]: Looks like you guys...
[Wingus]: Got touched by an angel.
[enemy Elise]: fag

[Becca]: -- Son, ain't no one got time for that.
[Becca]: *laughs*
[Charles]: everyone knows it's Left 4 Dead that they do that for

[Becca]: -- Son, ain't no one got time for that.
[GG]: ahahahahahahah
[GG]: I want to live in this guy's world.
[GG]: I bet it has unicorns.

[Becca]: -- I can only assume this is staying up through the power of double-sided tape and prayer.
[Pux]: lot and lots of prayer.
[Autumn]: so much tape -.-
[Charles]: I just knew it was going to be boobs
[Charles]: (the outfit is actually PURE IRON)

[Pux]: -- The chair remains the source of his powers.

[Becca]: Welcome to Deadzone Radio Theater! We kick ass, take names, and make really bad puns.
[Wingus]: AW there anything more in life? If there is, I don't want to live.

[Xin Zhao]: First time Xin Zhao. Any advice?
[Janna]: Push all the buttons.
[Xin Zhao]: So, pretend I'm Ryze and mash my face against the keyboard to win?
[Rest of team]: Yeah, pretty much.

[Becca]: Heheh, well, I grew tired killing the people Soldier cared about then there was this "End of Days" that happened. -- There are better ways to seduce boys, Merasmus.
[Charles]: it could be the way he says it more than what he says
[Charles]: imagine him saying it in Tony Jay's voice
[Becca]: ... point.
[Becca]: But still, killing the people your crush cares about is not really a good plan of seduction.
[Charles]: this is true
[Charles]: certainly not if they know about it
[Charles]: "I killed your gran! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!"

[Sam]: Stars are MADE of fire.
[Scott]: And they also sit on the top of trees, because this is all about authenticity
[Ra]: one of those nights.
[Liona]: I don't know about you, but every winter in Canada we climb the northern lights up into the cosmos to pick stars to bring home and put on our trees.

[Charles]: the girlmoth presumably being the pet name for your partner
[Becca]: Yes.
[Charles]: okay
[Charles]: because the alternative was you've moved to a radioactive Japanese island

[Wingus]: I'm going to build a time machine and go back in time to when the Soviet Union was a thing
[Wingus]: Move to Russia, learn Russian, and eventually form a band, and call it Instrument. Just Instrument. And our first hit song will be titled "You". The tagline for our first concert after that will be "In Soviet Russia, Instrument plays "You"."
[Becca]: That seems like a lot of work for that joke.
[Wingus]: Do not underestimate the lengths I will go to for a joke.

[Becca]: -- I need a story to go with this.
[Sam]: "Once upon a time, Nyarlathotep was bored."

[Luna]: These are totally dinosaurs:
[Becca]: agh, what kind of vulture is that again?
[Luna]: Bearded.
[Becca]: Pretty pretty birds
[Luna]: Yes.
[Becca]: Bone-eating pretty birds.

[Becca]: Love me and despair?
[Ra]: *Loves and despairs. Surprisingly winning combination*
[Becca]: *giggles*
[Ra]: It's like peanutbutter and strawberry jelly. When you're allergic to peanuts but not enough for it to be lethal.

[Pux]: I have a txt document simply titled NO TONY

[Becca]: I am bored of Lovecraft's maundering. *grabs a hqn*
[Kep]: *imagines Lovecraft HQN...*
[Kep]: The Unspeakable Horror's Virgin Mistress
[Kep]: The Goat of A Thousand Young's Secret Baby

[Becca]: I like working in the warehouse part much more than being out on the floor.
[Scott]: I'm sure the reason for this starts with C and rhymes with shmustomers.

[Becca]: You know, Celtic folk singer, the problem may not be the hard cider, but the fact you drank a quart of it.
[Kep]: that....that could be accurate yes
[Becca]: It is just a theory.
[Kep]: perhaps it should be researched...
[Becca]: Perhaps! Barman! We require hard cider!


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