
Jan 19, 2013 22:24

[Bex]: I have the best plasmid in Rapture.
[Ra]: beeees?
[Ra]: :D
[Bex]: BEES!

[Sam]: I can see Rattrap totally doing some "Lone Wolf and Cub" shit. I can see Dinobot doing it too. Hey, when they're robots again, they should have a baby-
[Everyone else]: *dies laughing*
[Sam]: ... Not like that. I knew as soon as the words were out of my mouth, they were bad.

[Bex]: Well, so much for finishing that porn today. >_<
[Ra]: ....I am genuinely surprised you said that.
[Ra]: One does not expect the mention of porn after creepy shit.
[Bex]: Well, I was sitting down to write that, and then you had that question, and then I followed that link, and then I am not capable of doing the porn anymore right now.
[Ra]: ...oh my god. I-I killed porn.
[Ra]: ;_____;
[Bex]: *pats*
[Ra]: what were you gonna do?
[Bex]: Oral sex scene. Lady is having her lover go down on her.
[Ra]: ...Write. As amusing of a slip 'do' is.
[Ra]: .....I killed that?
[Ra]: I am a monster

[Bex]: "a survey of eleven thousand internet users, including six hundred women"... Either someone misplaced a hundred/thousand in there, or what the HELL
[Autumn]: >:/ BAD SURVEY.

[Tai]: *sees someone explaining their dislike of a man/man pairing with "I'm pretty sure that would mess up the gene pool"*
[Tai]: *cries*
[Bex]: .... but they don't breed.
[Bex]: So they have no influence on the gene pool.

[Charles]: the guy who wondered if women have sexualised art of men was surprised to learn straight women enjoy guy-on-guy
[Bex]: .... is he for real?
[Charles]: YES
[Charles]: remember, a guy once told everyone that teenage girls don't masturbate
[Charles]: even the women were told this
[Charles]: ESPECIALLY the women

[Charles]: "it wasn't me who wrote a biker gang ravishing a willing librarian, it was Snowflake Slabchunks!"
[Bex]: *giggles*
[Charles]: and now I WILL use that as a pseudonym for dodgy lesbian BDSM fic
[Charles]: I will claim Snowdrop Slabchunk is a pseudonym for a Welsh dental researcher and ex-soldier of fortune

[Ra]: ...You know you should really start playing something when Wingus is already doing so.
[Sam]: Is that how we're measuring things now?
[Luna]: Wingus is the canary in the mine?
[Luna]: The oxygen levels are safe if Wingus does it?
[Sam]: "Oh, well, that's 1.5 Winguses of trend."
[Sam]: "My god, it's over 10 Megawinguses. We're all doomed."
[Sam]: "At this level, we'll all be flipping tables and punning before sundown. God help us all."

[Ra]: So that's what a sex god looks like.
[Bex]: Yes.
[Ra]: ...Why the fuck did I wonder if he's dual rodded.
[Bex]: Because you've listened to us go on about snake anatomy too much?
[Ra]: .....I did not get that from you guys.
[Ra]: >:
[Bex]: Wow.
[Ra]: I have a lot of perverted friends.

[Tai]: Help. I do not need to write fic about the modern-day champions getting somehow flung into the distant past of the Rune Wars, when Demacia was the ugly aggressor and Noxus was the only power capable of opposing them.
[Bex]: ... Come play League and tell me all about it, bb.
[Tai]: I keep forgetting you are an enabler.
[Bex]: Everyone does.

[Tai]: And of course the League is packed with facial hair that runs the gamut from fabulous to "get away from me with your chin squirrel".

[Bex]: "... but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked."
[Rubio]: Property taxes went way up, for one thing.

[Sam]: . . . "A total rebel, flipping tables on the enemy. . ."
[Sam]: Yeah, this is the champion Wingus was fated to play.

[Pux]: Bilbo wakes up suddenly to DON’T STOP BELIEVING
[Pux]: It was an unexpected Journey

[Charles]: if I ever date someone you also know, then break up, then say that to you, you have permission to twat me one while yelling "GAZE INTO THE FIST OF BECKY!"
[Charles]: (in fact, twat someone while yelling "GAZE INTO THE FIST OF BECKY!" anyway)

[Sam]: Celeborn does not wear the exquisitely made elven pants in his household.
[Bex]: He does not.
[Bex]: Fortunately, he seems cool with that.
[Sam]: Yup.
[Bex]: "I'm married to Galadriel. Suck my dick, everyone else ever."

[Bex]: I get so wrapped up in Civilization!
[Luna]: Write fanfic about it.
[Bex]: It's not really a fanfic kind of game.
[Luna]: Becca. Slash me trebuchets with monotheism.

[Charles]: "One thing's for sure, these guys are definitely horrible salesmen. They're using their inability to get women to sleep with them as part of their sales pitch to try and get women to sleep with them. It's like trying to get a job by advertising how many people don't want to hire you."
[Bex]: Eeugh.
[Charles]: it is indeed a strange tactic on a dating site
[Bex]: Yes.
[Charles]: at least make something up
[Charles]: "women don't want to date me because of my bionic limbs"
[Charles]: "I'm a nice guy but girls tend to pass me over for those Cthulhu cultist arseholes. (DAGON FTW)"

[Bex]: Pippin can call his weapon a trollbane. Merry can't call his sword nothing, because he broke it hamstringing the fourth or fifth most powerful being in the world.

[Wingus]: "Draaaaaven is stuck in the closet. Draven will soon be free of the closet, however. And Draven will be cautious to not phrase it as 'coming out of the closet'."
[Wingus]: "Draven's getting better about wording things, but the talking in third person is getting worse."
[Wingus]: "Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaven."

[Bex]: There they are! :D
[Wingus]: Knowing this game, probably lodged up a dozen people's asses.
[Wingus]: At the same time.
[Wingus]: And sprouting dicktentacles

[Bex]: Evelynn: "Get me these for Lunar Revel, and I promise you won't be able to walk for three days." *purrpurrpurr*
[Wingus]: Fate: "...almost afraid to ask why I won't be able to."
[Wingus]: As wondering why not is a valid concern with Eve.
[Bex]: Evelynn: "... I was planning sex, but I suppose we could try something else."
[Wingus]: Fate: "I'm fine with just that. Really. Really."

[Ra]: i really hope that idw retcons the entire infestation thing.
[Ra]: i want kup back. >:
[Liona]: It is kind of dumb for Kup to be dead as a result of zombies from another dimension.
[Ra]: yep.
[Wingus]: I think it goes from "kind of" dumb to "immeasurable levels of" dumb.

[Wingus]: Whirl is interesting in his rampant assholery
[Luna]: No, Whirl is literally a penis.
[Ra]: Oh! Yes.
[Lotti]: His altmode?
[Luna]: Peniscopter.
[Tai]: Flying dicks.
[Luna]: We are mature people. :V
[Bex]: *spittakes*
[Luna]: *SNORK!*
[Tai]: I guess depending on how you curve your hand...
[Liona]: Pfffffffffft. XD
[Luna]: Hahahaaaa!
[Jess]: You people are crazy I love you.


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