Merry Christmas, Pux!

Dec 24, 2012 19:53

Title: Deck the Walls
Series: Magistream
Characters: Becca, Puck
Rating: G
Word Count: 400+

Deck the Walls


Puck came back from her journey to the Alasre Mountains still shivering. The icists were safe, the ice phoenixes and ice gryphons were back in their eyries, and she wanted nothing so much as to curl up with one of her big cats and never move again. Or at least not until she felt too hot to wear clothes.

She pushed open the door to her rooms to find Becca decorating with jewel-colored beetles. Her hellhound was flopped out by the fireplace, and the farir in her hair was also putting up beetles. There was dinner set out on a low table, and the amarth alagos on Puck's shoulder eyed it hungrily.

"You're back!" Becca turned a delighted smile on her. "I was worried you wouldn't make it back in time."

"How did you get into my room? I locked the door."

"Oh, I asked one of my neekleafs to climb in the window and unlock the door."

"I locked the windows, too!"

Becca gave her a pained look, as if this line of questioning was giving her a headache. Puck was immune to such looks, but she was too tired to really care how Becca had gotten in. She'd just tighten her wards and watch spells, maybe using a little more of the magic the Dark Brotherhood was teaching her.

"The krysos look pretty," Puck said, changing the subject. "Where did you get so many?"

"Oh, I've been hunting in the woods," Becca said blithely. "There's all kinds of neat stuff in there."

Yeah. Like dire wolves. Not that Becca, unlike some of the other magi at the Keep, seemed to give two figs about dire wolves. But they'd both grown past the stage where the woods were all that interesting to them as magi. "I see."

"I had dinner made up for us. Want to eat when I'm done putting up the krysos?"

"Sure." Puck sat down by the table, grabbing a bit of roast duckit to feed her flame-raven. "You're not going to ask what took me so long?"

"I figured you'd tell me over dinner. Oh man, have you seen the trees this year? They're vosmari!"

They were. Puck had seen a clump of them sleeping in the courtyard, their trees all decorated with lights and ornaments. "I wish I knew where Remy found those things."

"Doesn't everybody? Oh man, I can't wait to open our presents. I got you a cool thing!"

Puck grinned. "So did I. Merry Christmas."


game: magistream, writing

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