Merry Christmas, Pux!

Dec 25, 2011 15:58

Title: Pets
Series: Transformers: Prime
Characters: Knock Out, Breakdown, Carmen, Leandra, Thrasher
Rating: G
Word Count: 300+
Summary: Knock Out is not excited by Breakdown's new pet.



Knock Out ambled into Medical and glanced at Breakdown-

He paused, optics blinking. Yes, there was Breakdown welding a Vehicon shut. And there was a human perched on Breakdown's shoulder. Female, from the looks of it. Darker complexion than the Autobots' humans. The usual drapery to obscure its unattractive little body. It had turned to look at him, even though Breakdown was still bent over his task.

"You have a pet," Knock Out remarked.

"Hn?" Breakdown glanced up. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing. Just don't let it get all over everything."

Breakdown grunted and turned back to his welding. The human continued to watch Knock Out as he stalked over to check on the other waiting Vehicon.


There were two of them this time. Knock Out scowled. The one on the left shoulder was much darker than the other one, but they both watched him while Breakdown worked.

"Where are you getting these things?"

Breakdown glanced up. "They're friends, Knock Out. Like us."

Knock Out's optics narrowed. "Breakdown, I don't even want to think about humans interfacing. Thank you ever so much for giving me that mental image."

The first one scowled at him. Oh, wasn't she cute?

No. Not at all.



Breakdown startled, nearly dislodging the pale male human perched on his helm. "-What?"

"Three humans? THREE?!" Knock Out waved a hand at the disgusting little creatures, the other one transforming into a sawblade. It spun furiously, and the humans' eyes went wide.

Breakdown just gave him a look. "Thrasher is Steve's. I'm just watching him."

"-Who's Steve?" Complete and total confusion burned away all his anger in a flash.

"You know, the Vehicon Starscream smacks around." Breakdown grinned. "The mouthy one."

"Vehicons have names?" This was a new concept. Was it something Starscream had implemented? No, that didn't make sense. Starscream barely paid attention to them, much less to the Vehicons.

"Helps tell 'em apart," Breakdown pointed out. "Now stop scaring the humans. Lord Starscream hasn't met them yet, and you know he'll throw a better fit if they're not too scared to talk to him."

Knock Out grinned. "Why, Breakdown, I love the way you think."


writing, series: transformers prime

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