Merry Christmas, Kep!

Dec 24, 2011 16:52

Title: Alive and Doing Fine
Series: Star Wars: Unsung Heroes
Characters: Adara, Aja'katar
Word Count: 600+
Rating: G
Summary: Two years after the events of "Unsung Heroes", Aja'katar goes to get her Jedi teacher out of bed.
Author's Notes: I forgot what Aja'katar's Force focuses were, so I made something up. >_>

Alive and Doing Fine


"What's on the schedule for today?" A bright and chipper voice asked beside Adara's head. "Philosophy? Force-training? Lightsaber practice? Applied ethics?"

Adara cracked an eye open to glare at Aja'katar. "Padawans not waking their elders at oh-dark-hundred."

The twi'lek woman grinned. She knelt by the edge of the berth, dressed in clothes more suited to a Kuati spacer than to a Jedi padawan. She looked happier too, happier than she had ever been at the Temple. Not that she had been unhappy, but it was too easy for padawans like her to slip through the cracks in the Temple.

That was why Adara had taken her with when she left.

The older woman stretched and snuggled deeper under the covers. "It's cold out there."

"It's the same temperature as ever," Aja'katar said, sounding amused. "Come on! Up and at 'em!"

She tugged the covers off, earning a telekinetic swat from Adara. The twi'lek just laughed, projecting her amusement strongly enough for even Adara to feel it. It felt clear and bright, definitely not her own emotion but definitely not as not-quite-right as Jophiel's efforts to emulate that vile Falleen. Aja'katar had learned a great deal in the last few months, now that she wasn't distracted by Temple politics.

"There is no 'them' to be up at," Adara grumbled as she rolled to her feet. She ran her hand through her hair, telekinetically pulling open the closet and snagging a clean tunic. "I'll be out in half an hour, all right?"

"Sure. Computer says we've got another day in hyperspace before we reach Naboo. I don't know about you, but I am sick of lightsaber drills." She squinted at Adara. "Actually, I do know about you, you fiend. You like them."

"They help me meditate." Adara changed her clothes, throwing the ones from yesterday into the auto-wash. "Is there anything you want to do? Philosophy, the history of diplomacy, perv on Beni?"

Aja'katar blushed a deeper green. "He isn't interested in Jedi'dala. And it makes him uncomfortable if we're interested in him." She bit her lip. "Besides, that's how a lot of men are about me. I don't like it when they do it, and I understand why he doesn't like it when I do it."

"Good." Adara smiled. "You're learning. Respect of others is an important part of being a decent person, much less a decent Jedi."

She sat down on the edge of the berth to pull her boots on. No glove today. Everyone on the ship was well used to the stump of her arm and her telekinesis.

"Adara?" Aja'katar asked quietly. "Why isn't that something I learned in the Temple?"

There was a long silence. Then Adara met the twi'lek woman's eyes and held them. "As a Jedi, I was forged in war. So was Master Skywalker. Killing as an empath is a hard thing, a painful thing. It reflects back too easily. You cannot hold to people as people. Master Skywalker has found his center more quickly than any Jedi I ever met in the Old Republic, but now he has to hold that center and teach peace. It's difficult. It becomes more difficult every time he is dragged off to fight for his sister's government."

"But he's a good man."

"He's a very good man."

Aja'katar nodded, lekku twisting thoughtfully. "That's not enough, is it?"

"I don't know. Is it?"

Aja'katar scowled at her, then ostentatiously turned her back and stalked towards the door. "I am going to have breakfast with Hakke. If any riddle-twisting Jedi want to join me, they should hurry before I eat all the crepes."

"Thinking is good for you!"

"Not before breakfast, it isn't!"


rpg: unsung heroes, writing, series: star wars

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