NaNo Status

Nov 07, 2011 09:59

Writing this story is a... weird process to me. I'm throwing story bits at a wall to see if they stick! Sure, I started out with a very basic idea of what was going to happen, but now I have this whole other subplot moving in from left field, and yet another subplot lurking in the wings. This is so strange!

Usually, when I'm writing, I have a fairly good idea of what I'm trying to accomplish. I had the final scene in mind for "Ember, Ash, and Kindling" from the very beginning, and I was just writing to reach it. But this NaNo is just "words! I must words on pages!", and shockingly enough, to me, I haven't used SUDDENLY, NINJAS to increase word-count yet. All the fights so far were planned.

Also, I'm finding that being willing to stick in [name] or [city] helps me a lot with just keeping things flowing. I can come back and hash out names later.

The really tricky things so far have been making sure I keep my continuity guide updated as I write and not getting too distracted by Luna posting new fics.

Speaking of fics, I still haven't finished off Oracle Zuko. I know what the last scene needs to be, I'm just not sure how to start it off. "All art is recovery from the first line."

Of course, I keep looking at the story as it is now and wondering if it's a satisfying story. I am sure Floranna will be happy with it (Floranna, I love you, but you'd probably be happy with two thousand words of Oracle Zuko/Jet smut in the woods), but I'm not sure if it's going to be worth the wait for anybody else.

I suppose this is what beta-readers are for: to tell you if you've fucked up the landing.

writing, writing: nanowrimo

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