Log Timez!

Sep 12, 2011 22:24

[Bex]: Also, wow, the Thor comics got pretty weird.
[Rin]: weirder than bitty!Loki and dealwiththedevil!Spider-Man?
[Bex]: Thor was carrying Loki's still-living head around for a while.
[Rin]: .........................
[Rin]: well okay then.
[Bex]: Okay, a couple of issues.
[Bex]: Still, that is two issues longer than is normal.
[Rin]: that is THREE issues longer than is normal. O_o;;;;;

[Bex]: I would say I'm sorry for destroying you, weighted companion cube, but you're a box. I don't care.
[Sam]: Becca, you are a heartless monster.
[Bex]: I know. The box with the hearts went into the incinerator.
[Sam]: That cube was like a brother to you!
[Bex]: A brother who acted as a living shield when I was walking down corridors filled with plasma balls! :D
[Bex]: My Portal persona is quickly turning into my Myst persona with added homicidal urges. >_>
[Sam]: Becca, you may be a bad person.
[Sam]: Those turrets feel so BAD about the whole thing.
[Sam]: They don't blame you!
[Bex]: I blame them for the sprays of my blood all over the walls!
[Sam]: They are turrets, Becca.
[Sam]: It is all they can do.
[Bex]: They can also be pushed over or have boxes dropped on them.
[Sam]: That is more something that is done to them.
[Bex]: I wish it hadn't taken me so long to figure out I could pick them up while they're still "live".
[Sam]: Have you tried to carry one through an exit?
[Bex]: No! Is it fun?
[Sam]: It will be for you. Murderer.

[Sam]: *Taking compy downstairs to make pizza*
[Luna]: Sam, do not put your computer on pizza.
[Luna]: Computer is not a good pizza topping.

[Charles]: wait. Dull job, coasting, gym... ah, now I see. You're my alternate reality counterpart from a genderswapped universe
[Charles]: or vice versa from your Earth's POV

[Bex]: ... also, why is Sunstreaker in a wheelchair with Bombshell on a leash?
[Tai]: ...that's random, Becca.
[Chins]: The Ironhide series explains it.
[Bex]: I was checking up on the ongoing, and yeah.
[Bex]: Why do I have the feeling the explanation will pain me?
[Chins]: It's IDW.

[Sam]: It probably costs 9 million dollars just to animate Sentinel Prime's beard.

[Bex]: The Constructicons joined with Megatron because you let them wander around amnesiac and Megatron offered them oil! *shakes fist at the TFA Autobots*
[Luna]: Yeah, the TFA Autobots fail at parenting.
[Bex]: Forever
[Luna]: We're lucky that Sentinel didn't try to drown the Twins in a lake or something.
[Luna]: It would be about par for the course.
[Luna]: ...I am horrified to realise that Sentinel is actually way better at parenting than Optimus. Not to say that he's good, mind you.

[Rin]: everyone loves soon <3
[Rin]: everyone does NOT love Emirate Xaaron
[Rin]: >:(
[Bex]: I will gets to play Pee-Dee with Xaaron again! They will get -- too much shiny? -- to talk TF religion. <3
[Rin]: I am sure that will be awesome! <3
[Rin]: because you won't have to color him THREE COLORS
[Rin]: oh god why couldn't Marvel have put on some flames and shit or something X:
[Rin]: I feel so BAD FOR HIM
[Rin]: I drew them both, showed them to my brother, and he just gave me this LOOK
[Rin]: and went "Pee-Dee looks so much better than him"
[Bex]: Oh god, let me find you scans of Flame.
[Rin]: and I cried
[Rin]: Flame?
[Bex]: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Image:Flame-Meltdown.jpg -- Flame! He's an Autobot mad scientist who hates Xaaron. Haaaaaaates.
[Rin]: see, now, HIM I could've drawn waltzing with Pee-Dee without feeling bad for him
[Rin]: Xaaron you need a repaint
[Bex]: *giggles*
[Rin]: also some extra hoses and things
[Rin]: maybe like a gun turret or something
[Rin]: at least something NOT A RIGHT ANGLE?

[Ra]: Later!
[Bex]: Be excellent
[Ra]: Be terrific.
[Bex]: I will beget terror.
[Ra]: That counts.

[Cyn]: *peers at Tai
[Cyn]: where did you get this?
[Sam]: She knows. Signal Charlie team to take the shot. The conspiracy must be protected.
[Tai]: Vito's. >_>
[Tai]: Damn right I do.

[Sam]: When Simmons refers to Mikaela as "You, in the training bra." Megan Fox's bra is not in training. It is like, a veteran of multiple combat actions.

[Wingus]: TF Energon kinda took the laws of physics into a back alley and mercilessly clubbed it with a mini-con on a stick.

[Bex]: .... OMIGOD.
[Bex]: Rumble: *comes in carrying a red boombox on his shoulder* "Hey, look at this radio I found."
Soundwave: DDD: "Autobot intruder."
Rumble: "Where?"
Blaster: *transforms and shoots at Soundwave* "Here!"
[Bex]: Decepticons do it, too!
[Pux]: I just like to picture him going "Well it worked for the Decepticons how many times? I WILL TRY IT OUT!"

[Sam]: Crankcase is The RoboPredator.
[Sam]: He is going to be my new best friend. Ra, you have been replaced.
[Liona]: Haha, what. XD
[Sam]: New toy.
[Ra]: B-but, Sam! D,:
[Sam].: Ra, you don't even have any MechTech accessories.
[Ra]: No, but I come with ports for yours.
[Sam]: . . . Think before you speak, dude.

[Sam]: They can't just write him IC?
[Luna]: Nope.
[Bex]: Of course not, Sam.
[Tai]: Well, duh. No.

[re: Transformers: Exodus]
[Bex]: I admit, I entirely picked it up because my friend Sharon had a hardback copy and the back-cover blurb was talking about how Megatron awoke a longing in Optimus Prime he had never known before.
[Ra]: ahahahahaha
[Xiaron]: O.o
[Luna]: Becca, a harlequin romance would only improve the book.
[Bex]: ... considering the HQN I finished today, ouch.
[Luna]: Optimus having Megatron's secret baby would make the story better and more coherent.

[Rin]: see now, Optimus and Megatron BUILDING a baby together? that fic I would HARDCORE read
[Rin]: that would be awesome! they'd spend the whole time arguing over how many cannons and lasers and the color scheme and NO MEGATRON WE ARE NOT CHOOSING THE BABY'S FACTION FOR THEM, THEY WILL DECIDE THEMSELVES OKAY

[Bex]: Megatron is offended by the Autobots having jets.
[Luna]: As well he should be.
[Luna]: Powerglide is very offensive.

[re: all of my dialogue quotes the episode "Key to Vector Sigma, Part Two"]
[Bex]: Silverbolt: "I'll do something, Prime. I'll get them back, I promise." And thus begins a long history of Silverbolt manipulating his teammates for their own good.
[Kep]: Onslaught: if you find a method that works, please let me know
[Bex]: Slingshot: "Well, Prime's as stupid as those humans! None of those Autobots can hold a candle to us!"
Silverbolt: "... Well, if we're so much better, why don't we run things?"
Slingshot: "-What are you saying?"
Silverbolt: "Let's go back to the volcano and take over."
[Kep]: Onslaught: No! No! bad idea! bad idea! that never ends well!

[Bex]: Guys, why can't you just do the planet-buster as a spinal-mount on a super star destroyer?
[Sam]: A lot of the 'automation' in SW is just 'droids pulling switches instead of people.'
[Liona]: Man, one of the things that I always side-eye in the KotOR are the ships and space stations that have screens and screens of WIDE EMPTY SPACES with BOTTOMLESS PITS OF DOOM.
[Sam]: Because that would be an Eclipse CLass Star Destroyer.
[Bex]: Didn't the Emperor's clone have one of those?
[Sam]: Yes.
[Bex]: Why do I remember these things instead of my branch's phone number?
[Sam]: And then there is the Darksaber, which is something a Hutt had made, which was just the superlaser itself flying around.
[Bex]: And there's the Sun Crusher. Star Wars like it's stellar-destruction weapons.
[Luna]: So does TF. They are tasty.
[Sam]: The Emperor just has a really, REALLY tiny dick.

[Bex]: I will never understand the design choices that led to the AT-AT.
[Luna]: Rampant government corruptions.

[Bex]: LANDO!
[Bex]: Only black man in the galaxy.
[Bex]: With his awesome cape.
[Rin]: it IS awesome
[Rin]: the only black man in the galaxy is Legally Required to be awesome
[Rin]: he is the only heir of Samuel Motherfucking Jackson, after all

[Bex]: Scouties, when you're going at that speeds in that terrain with that altitude, concentrate on your driving!
[Pux]: What?
[Pux]: Self-preservation is rebel talk.

[Luna]: Megatron is just a sub, that is all.
[Ra]: We know, Becca.
[Luna]: I am not Becca.
[Bex]: What?


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