
Mar 13, 2011 00:46

I have been writing so very much these last few months, but hardly any of it is anything I can show people. Stupid long stories. Stupid anonymous exchanges. It's frustrating to be making so much but feeling like I have nothing to show for it because I can't post any of it ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

avocado_love March 13 2011, 07:03:33 UTC

I mean about the writing. Not about the job. Otherwise that's exactly what I'm doing and it's... frustrating. Especially because I'm a feedback whore and people PM me going HAVE YOU DIED? It's like... no asshole, I'm working on something long. I'M NOT A GODDAMN MACHINE OKAY??!?!?!??!?!!

I don't think any of this is helpful, except that I feel your pain.


beckyh2112 March 13 2011, 15:30:44 UTC
It is slowly driving me maaaaaaaaaad. Fifteen thousand words of Maiko Big Bang, and it is, like, maybe a third done? Ish? Twenty-five thousand words on my original Avatar Big Bang, and that's been put aside again to deal with things that have deadlines. Five thousand words of Oracle Zuko, and it's about three-quarters done? Twelve hundred words of atla_crackfic, and I have no idea where it is in terms of done-ness? Three purimgifts fics that I can't share because they haven't been revealed yet?

*throws herself on Avocado and weeps*


avocado_love March 14 2011, 00:43:21 UTC
Awww. There there.

That's a LOT of writing, though. You should be proud and you know that it WILL come to fruition someday. I'm impressed that your original Big Bang is at 25k! Way to go!

Maybe you could post part of one of these (like, maybe your Big Bang or Oracle Zuko) as a WIP. It could take some of the pressure away?


beckyh2112 March 14 2011, 01:04:19 UTC
Well, the original Big Bang needs some cleaning up before I'm willing to post it. That's the main reason I didn't turn it in on time - I didn't have enough time to give it the going over I wanted to give it. There's a number of plot-threads that came up in the writing that I need to go back and work into the earlier chapters.

Also, I just hate posting WIPs. >_> It's a personal thing. I like a story to be all done and edited as much as I am willing to edit it before I let it out into the wild.

purimgifts will be going live on the 19th, though. <3 Reveals April 2nd. <333


beboots March 13 2011, 15:46:15 UTC
I very much understand. Since January, I've been working steadily on research for the final papers, many of which are supposed to be at least 15 pages long, and I'm only now beginning to write them. Even my thesis isn't exactly finished. So I've been working and working and it feels like I'm just treading water. Not drowning in work, per se, but barely keeping afloat, and not going anywhere. :P Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have something to show for it all?



beckyh2112 March 13 2011, 15:49:48 UTC

I really want to show some of this stuff. I crave feedback, and writing like this is hard. It's one of the reasons I always have a problem with writing original fiction.


beboots March 13 2011, 16:51:47 UTC
*clings back*

I totally understand. I've actually just sent off the most up-to-date version of my thesis to my sister for precisely that reason. All I want to hear is "that looks amazing to me, and I loved this quote!" and I'll feel way better. ;_;


beckyh2112 March 13 2011, 16:59:29 UTC
And now I have a thousand words of something science-fictional and no clear idea what I'm doing with it. Besides eventually changing "Combine ruins" to some other type of "generic ancient ruin-making race ruins", because the Combine Empire was from Everquest.


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