Quick Meme: Ozai AUs

Mar 02, 2011 21:27

I want to write me some delicious Ozai fic. Of the short variety, because I am also supposed to be writing some delicious Ozai fic of the long variety and writing all this longform stuff is making me want to claw out my brains.

Also, work sucks! :D

So! You have two slots. You are to use them to ask for Ozai-centric AUs. You can use any of my previous AUs, someone else's AU (if that someone else is Pux, Spyri, or Rin because I'll have read theirs), or make your AUs up on the spot!

The usual suspects get four slots. <3

I promise to fill at least one for each requester and may do more as interest catches me.

Meme is open until I get home from work tomorrow.

Meme is CLOSED.

character: aang, character: bato, au: blind ozai, character: air nomads, character: hakoda, character: fire nation, movie: pirates of the caribbean, character: ozai, character: ursa, writing, character: water tribe, au: drow, au: bedrock, character: long feng, au: lightning at sea, au: las vegas, character: iroh

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