(no subject)

Jan 11, 2011 17:36

I'm going through one of those states where everything feels like I'm breaking down into little pieces. I accomplished a lot today, but my brain is insisting I've done nothing. I can't pull my thoughts together enough to write, and there's this dread in the back of my mind of going into work tomorrow.

I'm reaching this point where I'll take my two-weeks notice into work one of these days, but right now I can't afford to do that without another job lined up. So I send my resumes out there into the void and hate how much New Orleans seems to be a wasteland for the kinds of jobs I want to do.

Not that I even know what I want to do besides "not work weekends" and "please minimize customer interaction".

Not that I qualify for a lot of jobs because everyone wants someone experienced.

(What sucks the worst? I'd be happy in my current job if they just let me read or use the e-mail or SOMETHING when it was slow. I can't talk to my co-workers day in and day out when you trap me in a little building and force me to constantly interact with customers and try to sell them product. I just can't.)

real life

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