[AtLA Ficlet] In and Out

Dec 31, 2010 09:53

Title: In and Out
Characters: Sokka/Azula
Word Count: 200+

In and Out


"Father will let me keep you, peasant," Azula purred, and Sokka sighed and gently took his hands off her. Her eyes were burning gold, her expression twisting into a rictus grin. Little flashes and sparks spilled from shaking fingers, and he reached out to fold her hands into fists.

Her smile was terrifying.

Master Piandao and Dad both told him this was a bad idea. That there was nothing but heartache in falling for a madwoman. But how could he step away from the woman he loved? When she was herself, Azula was beautiful, bright, dangerous. Sweet and vicious, and she left nailmarks on him and kissed him so that he felt alive.

Then she'd slip out of herself, and he pulled himself back. He always held himself back, because when she was mad, Azula didn't know him. She didn't know him, and sometimes she thought he was himself, sometimes Master Piandao, sometimes Zuko, once Ozai, once a boy named Chan. Most of the time, her madness made her rage against him and Zuko and Mai. Most of the time.

Sometimes, like now, she smiled in invitation. Her knees slid a little wider, and she leaned forward to kiss him-

He turned her face aside gently. Sokka would never, ever betray her by taking advantage of her madness like this.


character: sokka, character: azula, writing, series: avatar

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