December Deadlines

Nov 30, 2010 17:01

- atla_crackfic: December 14th
- yuletide: December 20th
- Intern application: December 21st
- atlaland Secret Santa: December 24th
- 20spec: December 31st

Those five things are what I'm going to devote my December to. I'm not going to write on anything else until all five of those are drafted, revised, and submitted. Which means, unfortunately, that my auction fics will be deferred until 2011. (To be honest, the last time I did an auction-fic, the winner didn't get it until a year later.)

However, while I do have one January deadline, it's only one deadline. I'll be able to devote a fair amount of time to getting those auction fics finished, revised, and sent out to the winners.


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