Fanfiction Writing Meme

Nov 10, 2010 19:26

Ganked from avocado_love.

Not a request meme, so totally doesn't violate one of this month's goals. Rock.

01. Which is your favorite fic?

Tie. Trapped in Jade was a piece I wrote for Jackie Chan Adventures that had Drago reflecting on his relationship with future-Jade while he had past-Jade as his prisoner. Doing the tenses for time-travel is a pain in the ass, but I love how that fic came out.

Hot Pursuit is pure UST with Prowl chasing Drag Strip. It is still the fic I consider to be my single best UST-piece.

02. Which is your best-received fic?

A lot of people have really liked Assimilation and I've gotten a number of requests to continue it. Plus it got added to the AtLA TvTropes Fanfic Recommendation page. Good times.

On the other hand, Mechanical Nightmare is still collecting reviews on FF.Net some three years later.

03. Which is your worst-received fic?

Cut, a Tortall fic, which has Daine and Rikash kissing. The idea of not writing Daine/Numair apparently blew people's minds - I got a lot of "well, this is interesting but I don't ship them" and at least one person going "OH GOD GROSS!".

On the other hand, I also got a number of people going "please to be writing more? :D?". So you know. It all evens out. ^_^

04. Which is your angstiest fic?

Free Will, a viral binome's journal from season two through season four of ReBoot. Looking back at it, wow, the poor guy needs a hug and some serious therapy.

05. Which is your funniest fic?

I'm told "The Long Game" is actually quite funny, but I think Bad Cop is the funniest thing I've ever written. Abusing Swindle is so much fun, man.

06. Smuttiest?

... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "one of the smut fics".

Even ignoring the robot-porn, this isn't really an answerable question for me.

07. Fluffiest?

Spark, wherein Ozai brushes Ursa's hair and they're kind of quietly "omigod, we are going to have a baby!". <3

08. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?

Yes. ^_^ Life is Beautiful, which is the story of Ahsoka Tano having to bury her husband, has made a lot of people cry. I'm very proud of that piece.

09. Which fic frustrates you the most?

Flint. Just... The way people reacted to the end on LJ drove me nuts. JET IS TEN. HE IS NOT GOING TO BE DOING MUCH MORE THAN ZUKO DID TO OZAI AT TEN.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?

You know, the actual process of writing for me is not... well, I can't say it's not fun, or I wouldn't do it. But there aren't any fics I can point at and say "this one was awesomely fun to write". Generally, when I am giddy with the fun of a fic, I'm either anticipating people's reactions or manic. Or both.

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?

Dude, ask me every day for a month and you'll get a different answer. Ask me every day for three months, and I might start repeating myself. But possibly not. I've got a lot of OCs, and they all please me.

12. Are you better at one-shot or multi-part?

I actually finish one-shots. I have yet to figure out how to post a story in-progress and actually complete it. Well, there was "Bedrock", but that was complete id-fic so I wasn't actually trying to be good or anything with it.

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?

A number of people have told me my portrayal of Ozai has become their canon/standard. So obviously I'm good with him.

On the flip side, both Jet and Sokka flow like water when I need to write them. *ruffles the boys*

14. What character is the most difficult to portray?

Bumi, because I have no handle on what exactly his crazy is. Iroh is hard to get right, but Bumi is damn near impossible.

15. Tag five other authors!

I hate tagging people for memes.

writing, meme

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