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Piandao, Haru, and Hahn - rubbing the scabbed wound beckyh2112 September 12 2010, 03:55:53 UTC
There's apparently something about the Water Tribes. Piandao isn't sure what it is, but they seem to enjoy working in a forge.

This time, sweat sheens pale skin instead of dark, and dark hair brushes shoulders rather than pulled up high and tight. Hahn doesn't have Sokka's glib way with words, either, and his eyes are the blue of the storm-dark sea rather than the blue of the sea on a sunny day.

The contrast is remarkable. Night and day, he thinks as Hahn pumps the bellows.

"Push and pull," Haru mutters as he pounds on the steel under Piandao's close supervision.

Hahn gives him a suspicious look, but Haru doesn't respond. His green eyes are on the steel that once belonged to a navy ship's hull and will now belong to a plow.

Muscles ripple as Haru raises the hammer again. The boy is not so lithe as he was when he first came to Piandao to learn smithing. His shoulders are broadening, his muscles thickening. He will be an oak when he is fully grown - large and powerful.

They are remarkable boys.

They are, like every other child he has met besides the Avatar, broken boys.

He gives them what they want by teaching them to forge, and he gives them what they need by teaching them art as their own fathers never had been able to.

He will not let them walk away as broken men.

He already had to do that once with Sokka.


Re: Piandao, Haru, and Hahn - rubbing the scabbed wound floranna September 13 2010, 18:28:36 UTC
Forges! You gave a GODDAMMIT FORGES???!!?!

I love you!

And I got Hahn. And Piandao. And Haru. This is even more awesome.


And no, you won't get a better review from me, I'm sorry.


Re: Piandao, Haru, and Hahn - rubbing the scabbed wound beckyh2112 September 13 2010, 21:54:25 UTC
*blinks* *backs away slowly*


Re: Piandao, Haru, and Hahn - rubbing the scabbed wound floranna September 14 2010, 03:53:15 UTC
You better. ;D


Re: Piandao, Haru, and Hahn - rubbing the scabbed wound beckyh2112 September 14 2010, 04:13:41 UTC
I do not even know what brought that on.


Re: Piandao, Haru, and Hahn - rubbing the scabbed wound floranna September 14 2010, 04:23:07 UTC
My very sikrit obsession with forges and the fact that Piandao, Haru and ESPECIALLY Hahn are also one of my sikrit favourite characters?


Re: Piandao, Haru, and Hahn - rubbing the scabbed wound beckyh2112 September 14 2010, 04:24:48 UTC
Well, you lucked out on the random number draw then. ^_^


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